5 Tibetan exercises to work every muscle in 10 minutes
Ninety one million five hundred twenty one thousand five hundred ninety seven
There are a huge number of exercises and complexes. But perhaps one of the most effective — the "5 Tibetan pearls". The ancient technique of the monks of Tibet not only forced to work all the muscles, but also help to normalize the functioning of the body.
We Site already tried the exercises and found they are really simple and not time-consuming.
1. Twenty million four hundred seventy three thousand four hundred ninety nine
3. Ninety five million four hundred twelve thousand four hundred thirty two
4. One million seven hundred sixty five thousand two hundred ten
5. Ten million one hundred twenty six thousand two hundred twenty four
General rules Important in the run — regularity. Do complex 1 time a day. If you want to achieve the maximum effect, increasing the number of repetitions of the exercise on the scheme:
The best time to run in the morning before noon, on an empty stomach. Do not overreach and do not allow strong fatigue. If hard, back to a smaller number of repetitions, give yourself to get used to. Watching the breath. Breathe in through the nose and smoothly. With a large number of repetitions do pause between exercises — stand up straight, put his hands on your waist and make a few calm deep breaths. After complex best to give yourself a break, relax lying down. Illustrator Daniel Shubin especially for Site
See also
7 easy exercises for elastic buttocks, thighs, and slender legs
5 daily habits for which we gain weight
via www.adme.ru/zhizn-nauka/5-utrennih-privychek-iz-za-kotoryh-my-nabiraem-ves-1450815/
There are a huge number of exercises and complexes. But perhaps one of the most effective — the "5 Tibetan pearls". The ancient technique of the monks of Tibet not only forced to work all the muscles, but also help to normalize the functioning of the body.
We Site already tried the exercises and found they are really simple and not time-consuming.
1. Twenty million four hundred seventy three thousand four hundred ninety nine
- Stand straight, hands at sides at shoulder level. Keep them parallel to the floor the entire exercise.
- Begin to rotate clockwise around its axis, until you feel a slight dizziness. To begin with it will be from 3 to 6 turns in one go.
- Lie on back, arms along the floor. The maximum exhaled.
- Deep smooth breath raise the head and feet up, trying not to tear off from the floor to the shoulders and pelvis and do not bend your knees. Then a smooth exhale return to the starting position.
3. Ninety five million four hundred twelve thousand four hundred thirty two
- Stand on knees, feet parallel to each other. Knees should be shoulder width of the pelvis. Hands along the body, palms placed on the back of the thigh. Tilting the head forward, chin touching his chest. The maximum exhaled.
- Deeply and slowly inhale at the same time tilting the head back and bend. Try to stick out chest, lightly resting my hands on hips. On the same exhale return to the first position of the exercise.
4. One million seven hundred sixty five thousand two hundred ten
- Sit on the floor, straighten the legs and back. Feet should be shoulder width apart, palms put on the floor so that the closed fingers is parallel to the body. Exhale and tilt the head forward to your chest.
- On the inhale (breathe in the same way as in the previous exercise), throws back her head far back as possible and lift up the torso. We should be in a horizontal position, resting on straight arms and legs at right angles. I try for several seconds to stretch all your muscles and stay in this position, then exhale to return to sitting position.
5. Ten million one hundred twenty six thousand two hundred twenty four
- Stand in the support position on the hands SAG. Hands and feet slightly wider than shoulder width. Knees not touching the floor. Throws back her head and exhaled.
- With inhalation lift the pelvis and move into position, forming the angle. The head pressed against his chest. Try to keep legs straight, back and arms should be on the same line. Then on the exhale return to the first position. Breath in this position is the same as the others, but it will take time to get used to inhale, bending the body, and exhale, a break. Also getting used to exercise can add muscle tension for a few seconds, when it reaches the 1st and 2nd positions.
General rules Important in the run — regularity. Do complex 1 time a day. If you want to achieve the maximum effect, increasing the number of repetitions of the exercise on the scheme:
- 1st week — each exercise repeat 3 times;
- 2nd week — 5 reps;
- 3rd week — 7 reps;
- and so on to 21 repeat for 10 weeks.
The best time to run in the morning before noon, on an empty stomach. Do not overreach and do not allow strong fatigue. If hard, back to a smaller number of repetitions, give yourself to get used to. Watching the breath. Breathe in through the nose and smoothly. With a large number of repetitions do pause between exercises — stand up straight, put his hands on your waist and make a few calm deep breaths. After complex best to give yourself a break, relax lying down. Illustrator Daniel Shubin especially for Site
See also
7 easy exercises for elastic buttocks, thighs, and slender legs
5 daily habits for which we gain weight
via www.adme.ru/zhizn-nauka/5-utrennih-privychek-iz-za-kotoryh-my-nabiraem-ves-1450815/
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