Remote training for history teachers

History — a dynamic nayabas studying the past you can't build a happy future. This truth is known to all, but, unfortunately, the level of knowledge of the history of modern teenagers is poor. This is largely due to the mentality of modern families, where much attention is given to applied activities, and the study of science goes by the wayside.
An important role in the formation of positive attitudes of children to the study of past events plays a teacher's authority. If the teacher in an interesting, original and simple form can convey to the audience information, it will long remain in memory and will become a stimulus for further independent work with historical sources. The ability to force himself to listen, with bated breath, work teacher with experience, but even great oratory skills are not useful in the absence of modern knowledge.
Historical science does not stand still. Every year there are more new information concerning both the history of the Ancient world, and the events of the last decades. Declassified documents published evidence of contemporaries, which makes learning history fun. Many teachers work independently with sources of information, to improve their skills. But to obtain additional formal education is possible, only having completed the course "distance training for teachers of history."
Retraining uchitelya teacher training history teachers not only get a lot of new information on the subject, but also skills of practical psychology needed to work with the younger generation. Teachers who love their profession, but failing in teaching methods, acquiring of practical skills.
The training is conducted remotely, so to finish the training, not looking up from his work, people from any, even the most distant city or village.
Graduates receive a diploma, which is a bonus when employment in a reputable University.