18 postcards from professionals black humor
Six million five hundred seventy four thousand eight hundred eight
We all have those days when you want a little popsihovat and splashes out negative emotions.
The website has collected postcards with black humor from people who know the jokes that will help blow off some steam.
See also
20 tweets with the black humor from those who are all fed up
17 evidence that working in the offices of a guru of sarcasm
via www.adme.ru/svoboda-narodnoe-tvorchestvo/17-dokazatelstv-togo-chto-v-ofisah-rabotayut-guru-sarkazma-1500865/
We all have those days when you want a little popsihovat and splashes out negative emotions.
The website has collected postcards with black humor from people who know the jokes that will help blow off some steam.

See also
20 tweets with the black humor from those who are all fed up
17 evidence that working in the offices of a guru of sarcasm
via www.adme.ru/svoboda-narodnoe-tvorchestvo/17-dokazatelstv-togo-chto-v-ofisah-rabotayut-guru-sarkazma-1500865/