Kinesiology: an algorithm for the treatment of allergies
Allergy or hypersensitivity occurs when the immune system of the body breaks down and can no longer fight against the substance, which should not cause a problem the average person.
Phobias are linked with the mental side of the triad of health. Mental trauma that caused the Allergy, can be the unknown — people do not always remember.
Andrei Pligin in his book “How the Ghost of failure to turn in scent of success in life.
From the experience of the NLP consultant” wrote:
“One evening, when I came to the hotel, I noticed a very strange red spots on hands that are lightly scratched. And even I, experienced in human psychology, to NLP, it caused consternation. I could not believe my eyes. And, taking off his shirt and saw that the whole body is covered by a strong rash.
Realizing what's happening to me something's wrong, I suddenly felt a wave of terrible itching. My shock knew no bounds, and at some point I even felt fear within himself, because I couldn't figure out what was wrong with me.
I was trying to remember everything that happened to me, day after day, hour after hour...
And I've found it!
It turns out that wherever we go, there on the table was the same beverage — orange juice. I quickly began counting the number of drunk my juice for the day. It turned out that I drank about 14 cups of orange juice, that is 3 liters a day.
I had a complete shock. I realized I had never been sick, no allergies, I never had Allergy to any food, any kind of pollen, to any external stimuli. And I also realized one thing: never in my life I was not drunk so much orange juice.
I agree with one of the great doctors, which researched allergies. He called an allergic reaction — a phobia of the immune system. After all, when our own perception of something is at the highest point, the body begins to fear, and the reaction on the concentration of a substance or stimulus becomes stronger.
For example, when a person is very upset or is in a state of nervous breakdown, and at this point, say, his eye gets pollen (this, of course, not exactly a common occurrence), there can be anchoring, that is, the incentives can reach, in this case, the negative state may contact the pollen. And in the future, the pollen will cause an inappropriate response of the body.”
The lang approach in the treatment of allergies
1. First, test the indicator muscle.
2. When testing possible food allergies substance put in the mouth,air testing allergens by breathing them in. Although the testing of substances for their retention or any other skin contact in the PC, it is not common, allergens that cause contact dermatitis, can be effectively tested, rubbing them into the skin. This should apply to substances, such as disinfectants and cosmetics.
Check the strength of the indicator muscle — it needs to weaken the action of the allergen.
A psychic link with allergies found when you access your brain with eye position in neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), described by Bandiera and Grinder.
Each of the six provisions is due to the fact, as individuals are the thought processes.
For example,
1) if you ask a person what color his house, he will turnthe eyes up and to the left, as he visually remembers or retains in memory the house;
2) if he creatively thinks about the house he would build, his head moving up and to the right, as it constructs the image;
3) eye movement to the left shows that the person committed access memories sounds or words, as one memorable poem;
4) when the eyes move to the right, the person constructs what he wants to say to you;
5) eye movement down and to the left shows access to audible sounds or words, as if he is talking to himself;
6) eyes down and to the right indicates kinesthetic senses, which include smell and taste.
Often when dealing with a normally organized individual to him tell jokes. If he heard a joke before that, his eyes will move left, as he recalls his previous experience in connection with a joke. If during the story the jokes, the individual constructs a joke to tell you better than actually heard the joke, his eyes will move to the right.
Although in-depth knowledge of neuro-linguistic programming are very valuable for communication, do not necessarily know all the details to evaluate how the allergens are perceived by the nervous system.
3. Holding contact with the allergen, we ask the patient to look in any of these areas, and we do retest the indicator muscle. In one of the positions of the eye indicator muscle will increase (be sure to check on the validity of using TEMPORAL TAPPING).
4. Remove contact with the allergen and again ask the patient to look in the direction that caused the strengthening of the indicator muscle now she must weaken.
5. Carry out retesting of the muscle, when the patient makes a deep breath or exhale. One of the phases (usually the breath) to eliminate the weakness that has arisen because of the retention of the eye in the previously positive position.
6. Treatment consists in careful contact with the eye of a patient and retaining it in the direction associated with allergies, and the patient at this time performs the phase of respiration, which eliminates weakness. Repeat this with the power of 120 – 240 grams four or five times on both eyes.
7. Again, check the response of the indicator muscle in repeated contact with the allergen - now it should not give a reaction muscle weakness.
8. The effectiveness of the treatment can be reinforced by prolonged contact with the allergen, when the patient is looking straight down, as this is the direction in NLP is a neutral position. This helps to secure the patient from moving the eye in one of the positions that conceals muscle weakness, which could still be caused by the stimulation of the allergen.
The doctor should not try to treat allergies that are beneficial to the patient. For example, the patient may experience intolerance to milk, which is considered allergies. However, it may be a genetic lack of production of lactase, which leads to the inability to break down lactose.
Before you begin the treatment of Allergy, the physician first needs to check whether an allergic reaction is useful for the individual.published
The materials are for informational purposes. Remember, self-life-threatening, for advice regarding the use of any medicines and methods of treatment, contact your doctor.
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: //www.kineziolog.ru/%D0%B0%D0%BB%D0%B3%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%B8%D1%82%D0%BC-%D0%BB%D0%B5%D1%87%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%B8%D1%8F-%D0%B0%D0%BB%D0%BB%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B3%D0%B8%D0%B8/
Phobias are linked with the mental side of the triad of health. Mental trauma that caused the Allergy, can be the unknown — people do not always remember.
Andrei Pligin in his book “How the Ghost of failure to turn in scent of success in life.
From the experience of the NLP consultant” wrote:

“One evening, when I came to the hotel, I noticed a very strange red spots on hands that are lightly scratched. And even I, experienced in human psychology, to NLP, it caused consternation. I could not believe my eyes. And, taking off his shirt and saw that the whole body is covered by a strong rash.
Realizing what's happening to me something's wrong, I suddenly felt a wave of terrible itching. My shock knew no bounds, and at some point I even felt fear within himself, because I couldn't figure out what was wrong with me.
I was trying to remember everything that happened to me, day after day, hour after hour...
And I've found it!
It turns out that wherever we go, there on the table was the same beverage — orange juice. I quickly began counting the number of drunk my juice for the day. It turned out that I drank about 14 cups of orange juice, that is 3 liters a day.
I had a complete shock. I realized I had never been sick, no allergies, I never had Allergy to any food, any kind of pollen, to any external stimuli. And I also realized one thing: never in my life I was not drunk so much orange juice.
I agree with one of the great doctors, which researched allergies. He called an allergic reaction — a phobia of the immune system. After all, when our own perception of something is at the highest point, the body begins to fear, and the reaction on the concentration of a substance or stimulus becomes stronger.
For example, when a person is very upset or is in a state of nervous breakdown, and at this point, say, his eye gets pollen (this, of course, not exactly a common occurrence), there can be anchoring, that is, the incentives can reach, in this case, the negative state may contact the pollen. And in the future, the pollen will cause an inappropriate response of the body.”
The lang approach in the treatment of allergies
1. First, test the indicator muscle.
2. When testing possible food allergies substance put in the mouth,air testing allergens by breathing them in. Although the testing of substances for their retention or any other skin contact in the PC, it is not common, allergens that cause contact dermatitis, can be effectively tested, rubbing them into the skin. This should apply to substances, such as disinfectants and cosmetics.
Check the strength of the indicator muscle — it needs to weaken the action of the allergen.
A psychic link with allergies found when you access your brain with eye position in neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), described by Bandiera and Grinder.

Each of the six provisions is due to the fact, as individuals are the thought processes.
For example,
1) if you ask a person what color his house, he will turnthe eyes up and to the left, as he visually remembers or retains in memory the house;
2) if he creatively thinks about the house he would build, his head moving up and to the right, as it constructs the image;
3) eye movement to the left shows that the person committed access memories sounds or words, as one memorable poem;
4) when the eyes move to the right, the person constructs what he wants to say to you;
5) eye movement down and to the left shows access to audible sounds or words, as if he is talking to himself;
6) eyes down and to the right indicates kinesthetic senses, which include smell and taste.
Often when dealing with a normally organized individual to him tell jokes. If he heard a joke before that, his eyes will move left, as he recalls his previous experience in connection with a joke. If during the story the jokes, the individual constructs a joke to tell you better than actually heard the joke, his eyes will move to the right.
Although in-depth knowledge of neuro-linguistic programming are very valuable for communication, do not necessarily know all the details to evaluate how the allergens are perceived by the nervous system.
3. Holding contact with the allergen, we ask the patient to look in any of these areas, and we do retest the indicator muscle. In one of the positions of the eye indicator muscle will increase (be sure to check on the validity of using TEMPORAL TAPPING).
4. Remove contact with the allergen and again ask the patient to look in the direction that caused the strengthening of the indicator muscle now she must weaken.
5. Carry out retesting of the muscle, when the patient makes a deep breath or exhale. One of the phases (usually the breath) to eliminate the weakness that has arisen because of the retention of the eye in the previously positive position.
6. Treatment consists in careful contact with the eye of a patient and retaining it in the direction associated with allergies, and the patient at this time performs the phase of respiration, which eliminates weakness. Repeat this with the power of 120 – 240 grams four or five times on both eyes.
7. Again, check the response of the indicator muscle in repeated contact with the allergen - now it should not give a reaction muscle weakness.
8. The effectiveness of the treatment can be reinforced by prolonged contact with the allergen, when the patient is looking straight down, as this is the direction in NLP is a neutral position. This helps to secure the patient from moving the eye in one of the positions that conceals muscle weakness, which could still be caused by the stimulation of the allergen.
The doctor should not try to treat allergies that are beneficial to the patient. For example, the patient may experience intolerance to milk, which is considered allergies. However, it may be a genetic lack of production of lactase, which leads to the inability to break down lactose.
Before you begin the treatment of Allergy, the physician first needs to check whether an allergic reaction is useful for the individual.published
The materials are for informational purposes. Remember, self-life-threatening, for advice regarding the use of any medicines and methods of treatment, contact your doctor.
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: //www.kineziolog.ru/%D0%B0%D0%BB%D0%B3%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%B8%D1%82%D0%BC-%D0%BB%D0%B5%D1%87%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%B8%D1%8F-%D0%B0%D0%BB%D0%BB%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B3%D0%B8%D0%B8/