Keep the face! Mini technique: Range of emotions
This technique allows you to create an "unconscious choice point emotions". That is, to make in work situations need emotion turn on automatically.
Fifty five million nine hundred thirty eight thousand nine hundred ninety five
1. List of emotionsMake a list of 7-12 emotions that control you feel is most useful in different situations. This list should include both positive and negative emotions.
Write them on separate pieces of paper and put them in a circle on the floor. The size of the circle pick up so that the distance between the papers was 50-70 centimeters.
Six million ten thousand five hundred twenty five
2. High emotionsWalk in a circle, getting up in turn on each piece of paper, and bringing the level of the relevant emotions to the maximum. That is, you stand on a piece of paper, cause emotion (e.g., anger) and trying to bring to the maximum in this level. You can remember a situation when you were angry, and amplify a condition.
3. Second passAgain, relatively quickly walk in a circle stepping on the papers and experiencing the appropriate emotions.
4. IntegrationThirty one million five hundred twenty six thousand seven hundred ninety seven
Fold all the papers into the center of the circle. Stand up to them. Maximum taste the state. Place it on the "anchor" — squeeze in a fist, left hand and unclench it.
5. Environmental inspectionStep away from the circle of emotions. Consider a situation where you don't want this new point of choice? If such a situation is – don't they make a new skill (the next step).
6. TrainingImagine in the future not less than 10 – 12 situations from different contexts, where would you like to have unconscious selection point emotions. Mentally go through these situations, by holding the "anchor" on the point – compressed in a fist, left hand. Now look on yourself in these situations in the future. Do you have a new emotional choice in these situations? If not, return to step 4.
It's also possible that you will find that you need to add some emotions to the point of choice. Then, leaving elaborate paper with emotions written in the center, add add emotions on pieces of paper and place them in a circle. Do the technique, starting from the 2nd step. In the step "Integration", just add a new emotion to the old heap. published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: //trenings.ru/materialy/minitekhniki/63-mini-tekhnika-krug-emotsij.html
Fifty five million nine hundred thirty eight thousand nine hundred ninety five
1. List of emotionsMake a list of 7-12 emotions that control you feel is most useful in different situations. This list should include both positive and negative emotions.
Write them on separate pieces of paper and put them in a circle on the floor. The size of the circle pick up so that the distance between the papers was 50-70 centimeters.
Six million ten thousand five hundred twenty five
2. High emotionsWalk in a circle, getting up in turn on each piece of paper, and bringing the level of the relevant emotions to the maximum. That is, you stand on a piece of paper, cause emotion (e.g., anger) and trying to bring to the maximum in this level. You can remember a situation when you were angry, and amplify a condition.
3. Second passAgain, relatively quickly walk in a circle stepping on the papers and experiencing the appropriate emotions.
4. IntegrationThirty one million five hundred twenty six thousand seven hundred ninety seven
Fold all the papers into the center of the circle. Stand up to them. Maximum taste the state. Place it on the "anchor" — squeeze in a fist, left hand and unclench it.
5. Environmental inspectionStep away from the circle of emotions. Consider a situation where you don't want this new point of choice? If such a situation is – don't they make a new skill (the next step).
6. TrainingImagine in the future not less than 10 – 12 situations from different contexts, where would you like to have unconscious selection point emotions. Mentally go through these situations, by holding the "anchor" on the point – compressed in a fist, left hand. Now look on yourself in these situations in the future. Do you have a new emotional choice in these situations? If not, return to step 4.
It's also possible that you will find that you need to add some emotions to the point of choice. Then, leaving elaborate paper with emotions written in the center, add add emotions on pieces of paper and place them in a circle. Do the technique, starting from the 2nd step. In the step "Integration", just add a new emotion to the old heap. published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: //trenings.ru/materialy/minitekhniki/63-mini-tekhnika-krug-emotsij.html
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