As the friendship of peoples helped Moishe beneficial bargain on the market

Decided old Odessa Moshe to see the world. Friends advised him to go to Italy, they say, it is beautiful and in the souks you can haggle and even necessary. Moishe went to Italy and, once in Genoa, decided to buy a few Souvenirs. Chose Moshe magnet on the counter and asked the seller:
— How much is it worth?
— One hundred euros.
— Fifty! said Moishe.
— Forty-five!
— No, let's thirty?
Thirty — five euros, can no longer concede. replied the seller.
Twenty euros, no more! — not appeased Moshe.
— Where are you from? — clasping her hands, exclaimed an Italian merchant.
— So I from Odessa.
Oh, well then, in a sign that our native twin cities, take this magnet free. — generous Italian.
— Well then, let's have two! not confused Moishe.
via factroom.ru
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