Did you know that Disney uses the same footage for different movies?
Eighty three million five hundred eighty one thousand six hundred thirty eight
Colorful and fun cartoons from Disney, almost everyone likes them. But have you noticed in them something strange, e.g. repeating scenes? It turns out that the animators used to create animations of some characters existing templates, not to draw them from scratch!
Site lifts the veil of mystery and shows the reader an entertaining video showing the same scene in different cartoons.
via factroom.ru
Colorful and fun cartoons from Disney, almost everyone likes them. But have you noticed in them something strange, e.g. repeating scenes? It turns out that the animators used to create animations of some characters existing templates, not to draw them from scratch!
Site lifts the veil of mystery and shows the reader an entertaining video showing the same scene in different cartoons.
via factroom.ru
My sister started receiving creepy calls from an unfamiliar number.
When I was in med school, I had a chance to practice in a mental hospital…