6 secrets of Walt Disney

There are also such names - pronounced and plunge into a state of pure joy! With Disney connected only bright, wonderful, funny. and not a drop of sorrow and bitterness. Great animator that creation gives the whole meaning, and skillfully organized the creative process. How? Here is his know-how:
1. Dreamer against critics.
Every creative person sitting inner Dreamer (Dreamer), Realist and Critic, you have to make sure that they do not interfere, and helped each other. Disney came up with "the strategy of the three rooms." In one - a dream. Its walls were hung with paintings, drawings, quotes, disturbing imagination, reigned confusion and riot of colors. No criticism is allowed - only dream without boundaries, only ideas. Room Realist - desktops equipped with the most advanced technology. It embodied his plan. When Disney had quit "re-look", assessing the evidence, the multiplier was going to close the closet Criticism.
2. Expert experimenter against.
"Seek the views of experts and specialists do the opposite," - used to say Disney. None of his designs never seen the professionals praise. All the ideas seemed folly. Enter along with live action drawing characters? Brad! A ninety-minute cartoon ?! Who will survive when we can behold on screen natural charms Joan Crawford ?! But Disney did on his own. His first feature-length cartoon "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" was the highest grossing film of all time. Then Disney took nearly two dozen "polnometrazhek».
3. Adventurer against Cautious.
The higher the risk, the faster you go to the goal, the greater the benefits to others. The first 30 years of the Disney Brothers Studio annually ruined because Walt constantly put at stake all that he had. For Disneyland laid house and money. He suffered nervous breakdowns 8 and 19 life crises. After each "disease RU" - disappointment and sadness - he returned to business with an even more impressive designs. Without depression would not be euphoric!
4. Good vs. Evil.
Welcome ultimately prevails - that's the law of this world. More profitable to bet for good. The theme of all the works of Disney - the fight against evil. Disney loved happy endings and put all of their characters in the space of their own chaste outlook. So he "earned" his image morally clean person. But it was a hard-core smokers and almost alcoholic. His romance with the actress Dolores del Rio was known in Hollywood all. However, neither the reporter did not dare to ruin his reputation. Why is that? Disney has created for us a world of happiness, a refuge from the troubles of reality, and it would be ungrateful to offend him. "Motherhood, apple pie and Disney" - that's the American holy "trinity." Shrines can not defile.
5. The child against adult.
Who childhood ends, and work at that lasts forever. Even at 55 years old Disney hours playing mini-railroad. It was the prototype of its entertainment empire, a cartoon in real life. And out of time. In movies it has removed all references to age and date. But their re-released every 10 years, without fear that have become outdated, given the repeated rentals for a new generation of children. And the work, failing the first time, then brought fabulous money.
6. Petitioner against the proud.
Never hesitate to ask, and you will be surprised of the assistance that will get. And each responding to requests strengthens effect on people. Disney asked for money several times and always found the creditors. When the animator planned amusement park for the whole family, colleagues denied him support. And Disney turned to the "main enemy", what then was for the filmmakers TV. Giving "teledolg" Walt went on the air with a weekly program and display the masterpieces of their film library. It has revolutionized the TV, turning it from the media in family entertainment. So in '53 Disney became a millionaire. And the first Disneyland has made billionaires of his descendants. While creativity - not wealth - it was above all for Disney.