Why Disney cartoon characters wear white gloves

We often don't notice obvious things. For example, have you ever wondered why many of the characters in Disney cartoons wearing white gloves? We at the Website decided to clarify this riddle and made some amazing discoveries.
A little history the Creation of cartoons even in our computer age — the process is time-consuming and costly. And in the 20-ies of XX century, each frame had to be drawn manually. Needed techniques that would help to speed up the process. So toon began to draw without excessive detail: with big heads and eyes, slim and long legs and hands with four fingers. But there was an unexpected problem.
Fuzzy black-and-white film is often not possible to distinguish arms and legs of the character on the background of his black body. Needed to achieve color contrast.
One simple innovation solved this problem. In may 1928 he published the first cartoon with Mickey mouse. Then the hero was still completely black legs. Six months later saw the premiere of "Steamboat Willie", where the famous mouse appears already in the Shoe. In 1929, the viewer first saw Mickey in white gloves.

Later, Walt Disney admitted in his biography:
"We didn't want to have Mickey mouse was mouse's paws, he had to be more human. So we put on his gloves".
Three main reasons why cartoon characters wear gloves a Good reception with the gloves allowed us to solve 3 problems:
- the drawing process became more effective, as it does not have to spend too much time on details;
- the artists were able to focus on feet black and white the characters and their gestures;
- drawn heroes managed to give "humanity".

A noteworthy accessory we can still watch the woody woodpecker and rabbit Bunny — characters Universal Pictures and Warner Brothers.
Source Vox
Photo on preview Disney
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