12 marvelous houseplants that you do not know! Dream No. 7.
Unusual houseplants is a home decoration, it is the passion of fans of green parts! We are well aware of the cactus and crassula, and what of their relatives? Almost all are the beauties belong to the succulents. They do not require too laborious and complex procedures. Designed for beauty, caress the eyes!
Beautiful room rastoyanie samples
The most beautiful plants — the ones we want to care each day... Tell me in the comments what green friends live in your house! Very nice to see a piece of nature at home.
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Alexander Klimchuk Since childhood, interested in medicine, grew up in a family of doctors. Knows how to make a fancy Breakfast out of nothing, is not afraid to experiment in the kitchen, making pies without flour, low-fat mayonnaise, healthy sweets. Never give up and believes that people are created to help each other! In all its domestic Affairs the assistant to the son Sasha. Alexandra's favorite book — "the Art of loving" by E. Fromm.

Beautiful room rastoyanie samples
- Succulents-dolphins (Senecio peregrinus)
Extremely popular in Japan plant. Each leaf resembles a small Dolphin, splashing in the waves... Pot blooms: you receive long stem with the calyx and pale pink flowers. A miracle!
- Japanese moss, marimo (Marimo moss balls)
This extraordinary algae, which does not like direct sunlight. Wonderful aquarium decoration, but can exist independently in a separate container, as pleasing to the eye decor item! Marimo, or cladophora, is considered a symbol of eternal love, because it is growing very very slowly: emerald ball can increase in size only of 5-7 mm per year. Small ball algae can live about 200 years, because some of the Japanese families decided to transfer the plant inherited... Brings luck and prosperity to the owner!
- Triandra (Trachyandra)
The tentacles of jellyfish or curls? This plant is very unpretentious, native to Africa, used to live under the scorching sun, so you need to water it once a week. A real alien among the potted plants!
- Umbella of crassula (Crassula umbella)
A close relative of the usual money tree. Love the light and fresh air. One of the names "Wine glass". How amazing nature that created such a masterpiece!
- Fat spurge (Euphorbia obesa)
Handsome native to Africa, but can withstand even freezing! What a plump... Keeps the moisture inside, like a cactus. Blooms ranging from 5-8 years, and its flowers are extremely beautiful!
- Euphorbia "Head of Medusa" (Euphorbia сaput-medusae)
A poisonous plant, but it looks so original! Blooms of yellow flowers. Of gorgonians — another name for this very unpretentious green inhabitant of the house. Loves dry air and cool!
- Platitserium (Platycerium)
Deer fern resembles a flat antlers! Beautifully arranged on the walls: in nature this plant is found on trees. Will be a bright decoration of any interior!
- Tirucalli spurge, (Euphorbia Tirucalli)
From the juice of this plant had extracted the rubber! The juice of milkweed — pure poison, but as he is charming handsome... "Fire sticks" — one of the names.
- Cooper Haworthia (Haworthia Soorah)
In nature the plant grows on rocks and is a favorite food of mountain goats and sheep. Miniature socket visocica fascinating, inside you can see whole Universes! This is the kind of green my friend I'm dreaming...
- Morgan stonecrop (Sedum morganianum)
Remind you these weird leaves donkey's tail? Exactly is sometimes called this plant at home. Stonecrop is a very demanding and likes a lot of sunlight! But thank the host flowers of indescribable beauty.
- Snap the grass (Corkscrew grass)
Extremely fast growing! Curls look like some diligent florist over them for a long time worked. But it's not. The leaves themselves are twisted in an amazing way! Would you like to decorate this pot your kitchen?
- Have urnula gentian (Gentiana urnula)
Unusual, but absolutely easy care plant! Resembles a starfish, looks great in the composition on the Alpine slide. Looks magically...
The most beautiful plants — the ones we want to care each day... Tell me in the comments what green friends live in your house! Very nice to see a piece of nature at home.
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Try this first! To WRITE an ARTICLE the Author

Alexander Klimchuk Since childhood, interested in medicine, grew up in a family of doctors. Knows how to make a fancy Breakfast out of nothing, is not afraid to experiment in the kitchen, making pies without flour, low-fat mayonnaise, healthy sweets. Never give up and believes that people are created to help each other! In all its domestic Affairs the assistant to the son Sasha. Alexandra's favorite book — "the Art of loving" by E. Fromm.
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