A woman's shelf life
On the package with a pink ribbon was written “Shelf life of a woman 40-45 years”.
Instead of an epigraph
“I won't have time to have a baby. I'll never be able to give birth to him. And it's terrible. Time is running out”. Reproductive period.
Awareness of the passing time is terrifying and successful business ladies and housewives. The fear that time is running out is the fear of death. This is the most taboo fear in our society. The child gives us a sense of continuation, a hint and a promise of immortality.
Time flows the same for men and women, but a man can become a father in 70 years, and a woman ends her reproductive period with the onset of menopause. It is decided by nature and its ovulatory reserve. The number of eggs with which a girl comes to this world is determined even inside her mother, when a full supply of future eggs is laid in the child’s body at 3-4 months of intrauterine development. And if at the time of the emergence of this stock of future eggs 6-7 million, then by the time of birth there are already 2-3 million of them, and by the time of the onset of menstruation only 300-400 thousand. And they're gone. Ovulatory reserve is limited once and for all. Therefore, when the supply of eggs becomes critically low, menopause comes, and with it comes a farewell with the hope of the desired motherhood.
In men, sperm are produced constantly, every 3 months there is a complete renewal of sperm. And the process can continue until death at a very, very old age.
It turns out that a woman has an expiration date that expires, and therefore many have a desire to urgently do something, urgently run somewhere, urgently be treated and take measures. It is the feeling of leaving the platform of the train: I want to jump into the last car. There is a panic that increases with each birthday.
A natural question arises: what to do in a situation when you are over..., and it is not possible to have a child yet? You can accept that this is nature, that this is what happens to everyone, that you have to accept the rules of the game. But such thoughts do not reassure anyone. The other question is, why was it important for me to be without a child until now? What tasks did I solve and what were they important to me? What resources do I get out of this situation? Such questions trigger a chain of important reflections and insights. Was the decision to wait with motherhood my own decision or was I fulfilling some kind of social order? Paradoxically with my clients, we always come to the point that such a solution is always our own and has the hidden benefits of being childless. It’s about responsibility for our lives and the dignity we get when we recognize and accept our responsibilities. But now I want to talk about something else. What can you do if you already feel panicked about the passing of time? First, you can go back to a more fertile age for a while to have a healthy baby. How is that possible? Perhaps, but with a certain training and skills, plus this condition is difficult to keep for a long time, so first I recommend practicing. How?Exercise "My Fertile Age" Remember at what age you felt like the most healthy and harmonious woman, when you were not sick and full of energy. The only restriction: the age must be over 18 years. Write your name and age on a piece of paper. Take this piece of paper in your hands and go even deeper emotionally into that period, that age, and your feelings at that time. Place the leaf on the floor and stand a step away from it. Concentrate and step onto a piece of paper where you laid down a very resourceful state of health. Feel the new sensations. Carry this piece of paper with you so that you can stand on it at any time and feed on it. Second, write at least 30 pluses of having a baby at exactly the age you are now. The pros can range from “At this age, I can be a more conscious mother” to “A child now has a solid material base.”Third, I recommend dealing with panic. What does this state want to warn you about? What resources are hidden in panic? If we try to live the panic as if in slow motion, new nuances will open up for you, and perhaps you can even hear a message from your panic and understand how it cares about you, what it warns or reminds you of? It’s important for me to say that it’s safer to work through a state of panic with a qualified therapist than alone to get the unique resource and message that this state carries.Fourth, if you have little faith that you will give birth to a healthy baby, it’s time to strengthen your faith. To do this, it’s good to consciously start collecting stories about women who gave birth at your age or much later, and their children are healthy and happy. The very set of such information rebuilds the internal psychological metabolism of a person, transfers the way of thinking to new rails. After all, if we constantly think about why I may not succeed, it often does not work. And if we believe that everything will work out and I will become a mother of a healthy child, then dreams tend to be realized in our lives.
Fifth, all the stories about early menopause are stories about love that we missed, forgot about someone, refused someone, because at some point the soul froze with pain. Love and pain are often encapsulated within us in the same container, intermingled before fusion so much that we begin to mistake one for another: love for pain and pain for love. And where it hurts, most often there we love the most, only we can not distinguish one from another. And early menopause calls us to look at this painful point, since most often nothing else could motivate us to do it. Discover this love and give it to where it is expected in your past, present and future. To find this point of thirst for love very well help system arrangements. And most importantly, for the birth of a child, one (one!) egg is enough. Sometimes one egg is enough to give birth to two or three children. Do not limit your dreams and yourself, everything will work out in the most harmonious way for you, your man and your child.Published by: Olga Caver
P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness – together we change the world!
Source: soznatelno.ru/srok-godnosti-zhenshhiny/#more-11214
Instead of an epigraph
“I won't have time to have a baby. I'll never be able to give birth to him. And it's terrible. Time is running out”. Reproductive period.

Awareness of the passing time is terrifying and successful business ladies and housewives. The fear that time is running out is the fear of death. This is the most taboo fear in our society. The child gives us a sense of continuation, a hint and a promise of immortality.
Time flows the same for men and women, but a man can become a father in 70 years, and a woman ends her reproductive period with the onset of menopause. It is decided by nature and its ovulatory reserve. The number of eggs with which a girl comes to this world is determined even inside her mother, when a full supply of future eggs is laid in the child’s body at 3-4 months of intrauterine development. And if at the time of the emergence of this stock of future eggs 6-7 million, then by the time of birth there are already 2-3 million of them, and by the time of the onset of menstruation only 300-400 thousand. And they're gone. Ovulatory reserve is limited once and for all. Therefore, when the supply of eggs becomes critically low, menopause comes, and with it comes a farewell with the hope of the desired motherhood.
In men, sperm are produced constantly, every 3 months there is a complete renewal of sperm. And the process can continue until death at a very, very old age.
It turns out that a woman has an expiration date that expires, and therefore many have a desire to urgently do something, urgently run somewhere, urgently be treated and take measures. It is the feeling of leaving the platform of the train: I want to jump into the last car. There is a panic that increases with each birthday.
A natural question arises: what to do in a situation when you are over..., and it is not possible to have a child yet? You can accept that this is nature, that this is what happens to everyone, that you have to accept the rules of the game. But such thoughts do not reassure anyone. The other question is, why was it important for me to be without a child until now? What tasks did I solve and what were they important to me? What resources do I get out of this situation? Such questions trigger a chain of important reflections and insights. Was the decision to wait with motherhood my own decision or was I fulfilling some kind of social order? Paradoxically with my clients, we always come to the point that such a solution is always our own and has the hidden benefits of being childless. It’s about responsibility for our lives and the dignity we get when we recognize and accept our responsibilities. But now I want to talk about something else. What can you do if you already feel panicked about the passing of time? First, you can go back to a more fertile age for a while to have a healthy baby. How is that possible? Perhaps, but with a certain training and skills, plus this condition is difficult to keep for a long time, so first I recommend practicing. How?Exercise "My Fertile Age" Remember at what age you felt like the most healthy and harmonious woman, when you were not sick and full of energy. The only restriction: the age must be over 18 years. Write your name and age on a piece of paper. Take this piece of paper in your hands and go even deeper emotionally into that period, that age, and your feelings at that time. Place the leaf on the floor and stand a step away from it. Concentrate and step onto a piece of paper where you laid down a very resourceful state of health. Feel the new sensations. Carry this piece of paper with you so that you can stand on it at any time and feed on it. Second, write at least 30 pluses of having a baby at exactly the age you are now. The pros can range from “At this age, I can be a more conscious mother” to “A child now has a solid material base.”Third, I recommend dealing with panic. What does this state want to warn you about? What resources are hidden in panic? If we try to live the panic as if in slow motion, new nuances will open up for you, and perhaps you can even hear a message from your panic and understand how it cares about you, what it warns or reminds you of? It’s important for me to say that it’s safer to work through a state of panic with a qualified therapist than alone to get the unique resource and message that this state carries.Fourth, if you have little faith that you will give birth to a healthy baby, it’s time to strengthen your faith. To do this, it’s good to consciously start collecting stories about women who gave birth at your age or much later, and their children are healthy and happy. The very set of such information rebuilds the internal psychological metabolism of a person, transfers the way of thinking to new rails. After all, if we constantly think about why I may not succeed, it often does not work. And if we believe that everything will work out and I will become a mother of a healthy child, then dreams tend to be realized in our lives.

Fifth, all the stories about early menopause are stories about love that we missed, forgot about someone, refused someone, because at some point the soul froze with pain. Love and pain are often encapsulated within us in the same container, intermingled before fusion so much that we begin to mistake one for another: love for pain and pain for love. And where it hurts, most often there we love the most, only we can not distinguish one from another. And early menopause calls us to look at this painful point, since most often nothing else could motivate us to do it. Discover this love and give it to where it is expected in your past, present and future. To find this point of thirst for love very well help system arrangements. And most importantly, for the birth of a child, one (one!) egg is enough. Sometimes one egg is enough to give birth to two or three children. Do not limit your dreams and yourself, everything will work out in the most harmonious way for you, your man and your child.Published by: Olga Caver
P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness – together we change the world!
Source: soznatelno.ru/srok-godnosti-zhenshhiny/#more-11214