Memorable holiday in Moscow
Fifty five million five hundred eleven thousand two hundred twenty seven
Moscow, being one of the largest cities in the world, is ill-suited for a comfortable leisure time. Even such a holiday as the child's birthday, the residents of Russia's capital are forced to spend all in the same "stone bag" — in his own apartment or in the walls of the restaurant, club or other institution under the roof. And is any event, usually fairly quickly, crumpled and zaorganizovano, as each participant thinks about something else.
Even with a great desire to give their child a vivid and unforgettable, colorful memories of the gala event, Muscovites are not always able to afford it. And this is against a thin nervous organization of the child's soul. Whether in principle the possibility of creating a memorable children's (and adult too) holiday in Moscow?
How to celebrate the holiday in a big city
Of course, if to speak about Moscow, celebrating any Grand event like implies several standard scenarios list is not so extensive:
Objections that the resident of Moscow, visits to the natural oases not available due to traffic jams, lack of time, or for some other reasons, very close to outright deceit. The fact that outdoor air does not have to even leave the city limits!
To pay attention to their holiday
It is quite obvious that the suburbs are ready to offer the capital's residents a huge variety of boarding houses, bases of rest, sanatoria and other places. But in the city there are plenty of parks, gardens, and recreational areas. Many of them are able to provide guests with not just the dome of the sky, the noise of leaves, the sound of water and gentle breeze, but also a variety of additional services.
This can be a comfortable accommodation, a barbecue area, rental of amusement rides and even a swimming pool under the open sky! All that is required from a potential visitor is to give a relatively small time in finding the best places. In the XXI century, thanks to the Internet, it only takes a few minutes. Not so high a price for the ability to fully relax or vivid memories of any occasion.
According to the website paintballclub.ru/
Moscow, being one of the largest cities in the world, is ill-suited for a comfortable leisure time. Even such a holiday as the child's birthday, the residents of Russia's capital are forced to spend all in the same "stone bag" — in his own apartment or in the walls of the restaurant, club or other institution under the roof. And is any event, usually fairly quickly, crumpled and zaorganizovano, as each participant thinks about something else.
Even with a great desire to give their child a vivid and unforgettable, colorful memories of the gala event, Muscovites are not always able to afford it. And this is against a thin nervous organization of the child's soul. Whether in principle the possibility of creating a memorable children's (and adult too) holiday in Moscow?

How to celebrate the holiday in a big city
Of course, if to speak about Moscow, celebrating any Grand event like implies several standard scenarios list is not so extensive:
- the reception in my own apartment/household;
- the trip to the restaurant, club, bar;
- visiting any cultural events.
Objections that the resident of Moscow, visits to the natural oases not available due to traffic jams, lack of time, or for some other reasons, very close to outright deceit. The fact that outdoor air does not have to even leave the city limits!

To pay attention to their holiday
It is quite obvious that the suburbs are ready to offer the capital's residents a huge variety of boarding houses, bases of rest, sanatoria and other places. But in the city there are plenty of parks, gardens, and recreational areas. Many of them are able to provide guests with not just the dome of the sky, the noise of leaves, the sound of water and gentle breeze, but also a variety of additional services.
This can be a comfortable accommodation, a barbecue area, rental of amusement rides and even a swimming pool under the open sky! All that is required from a potential visitor is to give a relatively small time in finding the best places. In the XXI century, thanks to the Internet, it only takes a few minutes. Not so high a price for the ability to fully relax or vivid memories of any occasion.
According to the website paintballclub.ru/