16 photos proving that science is cooler than any art

At the competition the Wellcome Image Awards for 20 consecutive years, choose the most beautiful scientific images. The main criterion for the jury prize — aesthetics. Robots of the winners can be seen not only online but also at the exhibitions that take place around the world (including in Moscow).
The website offers you the most incredible photography, visualization & illustration competition in 2017. They once again prove that science is an art of the XXI century.
Hawaiian squid

Visualization of the data collected from tweets with the hashtag #breastcancer

Vessels healthy the eye of a pig

Skin and blood supply of the cat

Naraina stem cell

Thermoregulation dove

Changes of the placenta of the mouse

Artificial lens

DNA in the cell human lung

Neural pathways connecting brain areas responsible for speech

The eyes of the aquarium fish Danio

Blood vessels African grey parrot

MicroRNAs, cancer-fighting

Development of the spinal cord

The surface of the retina of the mouse

The winner of the Wellcome Image Awards 2017 — illustration of "Stickman Misadventures Crown", where the author tried to convey their physical and emotional sensations in Crohn's disease

Source wellcomeimageawards.org
Photos on the preview Peter M Maloca, Christian Schwaller, Ruslan Hlushchuk and Sébastien Barré
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