Doing good, don't expect good: the 8 Golden rules of communication
Our whole life is imbued with communication, and that's fine. Friendly support, respect and love coming from other people, not only support in difficult life circumstances, but is an essential attribute of success and happiness.
However, in order to maintain good relations with others, you must follow certain rules of communication. Consider the 8 Golden rules of communication.
1. Do not hoard resentment – it's worth it.
You must learn to forgive. It is necessary not to another, and primarily you. It is not necessary to continue to communicate with the offender.
2. No offense to the children what they don't understand.
To understand, you have to pass the same course of life. Between you large temporal distance. It was and will be. The problem of fathers and children – the eternal problem.
3. Doing good, don't expect good.
Don't expect that others love you, respect. Learn to get pleasure from what you are giving and do good when there is a call of the soul, but not when you are forcing.
"Blessed is he who expects nothing because he will never be disappointed" (A. Pop).
4. Do not criticize!
"Criticism is useless, because it forces a person to defend themselves and, as a rule, one seeks to justify himself. Criticism is dangerous because it touches a sense of self-importance and causes resentment" (D. Carnegie).
5. Don't argue.
Anyway nobody can prove anything. Each is in his way. Still others cannot understand you because he has a different life experience.
"There is only one way to win an argument is to avoid it" (D. Carnegie).
6. Do not impose your past around if you don't ask.
Any action imposed, even love – is aggression.
7. Appreciating the other person's behavior, try to take into account the situation and circumstances.
Our positive image "I" is largely due to the fact that we are unable to forgive yourself for inappropriate behavior, citing the unfavorable situation and circumstances, but do not forgive another, building it a portrait, based on the specific situation and circumstances.
8. Do not demand and do not expect from other similarities with you.
There are different "types" of people with different levels of consciousness and self-awareness. These species differences between humans are the same as between different kinds of animals (ant, elephant, monkey, etc.). But even among people of the same species there are individual differences. So do not be surprised of the difference of the thoughts, actions, motives, and values. Try to accept people for who they are.
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: nsportal.ru/blog/shkola/obshcheshkolnaya-tematika/all/2013/03/24/8-zolotykh-pravil-obshcheniya
However, in order to maintain good relations with others, you must follow certain rules of communication. Consider the 8 Golden rules of communication.
1. Do not hoard resentment – it's worth it.
You must learn to forgive. It is necessary not to another, and primarily you. It is not necessary to continue to communicate with the offender.
2. No offense to the children what they don't understand.
To understand, you have to pass the same course of life. Between you large temporal distance. It was and will be. The problem of fathers and children – the eternal problem.
3. Doing good, don't expect good.
Don't expect that others love you, respect. Learn to get pleasure from what you are giving and do good when there is a call of the soul, but not when you are forcing.
"Blessed is he who expects nothing because he will never be disappointed" (A. Pop).
4. Do not criticize!
"Criticism is useless, because it forces a person to defend themselves and, as a rule, one seeks to justify himself. Criticism is dangerous because it touches a sense of self-importance and causes resentment" (D. Carnegie).
5. Don't argue.
Anyway nobody can prove anything. Each is in his way. Still others cannot understand you because he has a different life experience.
"There is only one way to win an argument is to avoid it" (D. Carnegie).
6. Do not impose your past around if you don't ask.
Any action imposed, even love – is aggression.
7. Appreciating the other person's behavior, try to take into account the situation and circumstances.
Our positive image "I" is largely due to the fact that we are unable to forgive yourself for inappropriate behavior, citing the unfavorable situation and circumstances, but do not forgive another, building it a portrait, based on the specific situation and circumstances.
8. Do not demand and do not expect from other similarities with you.
There are different "types" of people with different levels of consciousness and self-awareness. These species differences between humans are the same as between different kinds of animals (ant, elephant, monkey, etc.). But even among people of the same species there are individual differences. So do not be surprised of the difference of the thoughts, actions, motives, and values. Try to accept people for who they are.
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: nsportal.ru/blog/shkola/obshcheshkolnaya-tematika/all/2013/03/24/8-zolotykh-pravil-obshcheniya