The prayer of a man of advanced age
This text hung on the wall in the apartment of Alexei German. It is a prayer of an elderly person, which was read by his father — a famous writer Yuri Herman.
Lord, you know better than me that I'll grow old. Keep me from the fatal habit of thinking that I have any reason to say something...
... Save me from the desire to interfere in the Affairs of each to improve something. May I mused, but not boring. Useful, but not a despot.
... Deliver me from the temptation to recount in detail the infinite details. Give me wings so I in weakness have succeeded. Sealed my mouth, if I want to take a speech about the disease. They are becoming more and enjoy endlessly talk about them — all the sweeter.
... Not dare to ask you to improve my memory, but multiply my humanity, temper my self-confidence when it comes to my remembrance to face the memory of others.
A ask God not show mercy to me, when you have the chance to teach me a brilliant lesson, having proved that I could be wrong...
If I knew how to be hospitable, saving me the ability. Right, I'm not going to turn into a Saint, some of them unbearable in close fellowship. However, people are acidic character — vertex creation of the devil himself.
Teach me to open good where it does not expect to recognize the unexpected talents in other people.
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: izbrannoe.com/news/mysli/molitva-cheloveka-pozhilogo-vozrasta/

Lord, you know better than me that I'll grow old. Keep me from the fatal habit of thinking that I have any reason to say something...
... Save me from the desire to interfere in the Affairs of each to improve something. May I mused, but not boring. Useful, but not a despot.
... Deliver me from the temptation to recount in detail the infinite details. Give me wings so I in weakness have succeeded. Sealed my mouth, if I want to take a speech about the disease. They are becoming more and enjoy endlessly talk about them — all the sweeter.
... Not dare to ask you to improve my memory, but multiply my humanity, temper my self-confidence when it comes to my remembrance to face the memory of others.
A ask God not show mercy to me, when you have the chance to teach me a brilliant lesson, having proved that I could be wrong...
If I knew how to be hospitable, saving me the ability. Right, I'm not going to turn into a Saint, some of them unbearable in close fellowship. However, people are acidic character — vertex creation of the devil himself.
Teach me to open good where it does not expect to recognize the unexpected talents in other people.
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: izbrannoe.com/news/mysli/molitva-cheloveka-pozhilogo-vozrasta/
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