12 stunning moms that look at the age of one with her daughters
Fifty eight million six hundred sixty seven thousand six hundred two
Time is not the best ally for women who always want to remain young and continue to admire her beauty in the mirror. Sometimes it seems that combining parenting and work, no chance to approach the Golden age in good shape.
We are in Site found moms who have found a way to turn back time, and share their findings with you.
Sisters, Machos, 18, with mother Tina, 36 (centre)
Ennis and Chantal, 25 and 26 years, with mother Altea, 41 (centre)
Actress Ksenia Rappoport, 42 years (left), with her daughter Aglaia, 22 years
Bayan Yessentayeva, 43 (right), with daughter Isable, 20 years
George Smedley, 44 (right), with her daughter, Yaz, 21
Yasmin Wardell, 21 years, mom of Natalie, age 45 (left)
Presenter Julia BORDOVSKIKH, 47 (right), with daughter Mary, 18 years old
Actress Polina Maksimova, 27 years old, mother Svetlana, 50 years (left)
Model yasmin Le Bon, 52 (right), with daughter amber, 27 years
Rochelle Dale, 23 years, mother of Surfactant, 53 (right)
Model Jerry Hall, 60 years (left), with daughter Lizzie Jagger, 32 years
Photos on the preview annanystrom, jerryfhall
See also
10 star moms who look the same age as their children
13 tips on how to quickly get in shape, from famous mom
via www.adme.ru/svoboda-avtorskie-kolonki/13-sovetov-o-tom-kak-bystro-prijti-v-formu-ot-znamenityh-mam-1357915/
Time is not the best ally for women who always want to remain young and continue to admire her beauty in the mirror. Sometimes it seems that combining parenting and work, no chance to approach the Golden age in good shape.
We are in Site found moms who have found a way to turn back time, and share their findings with you.
Sisters, Machos, 18, with mother Tina, 36 (centre)
Ennis and Chantal, 25 and 26 years, with mother Altea, 41 (centre)
Actress Ksenia Rappoport, 42 years (left), with her daughter Aglaia, 22 years
Bayan Yessentayeva, 43 (right), with daughter Isable, 20 years
George Smedley, 44 (right), with her daughter, Yaz, 21
Yasmin Wardell, 21 years, mom of Natalie, age 45 (left)
Presenter Julia BORDOVSKIKH, 47 (right), with daughter Mary, 18 years old
Actress Polina Maksimova, 27 years old, mother Svetlana, 50 years (left)
Model yasmin Le Bon, 52 (right), with daughter amber, 27 years
Rochelle Dale, 23 years, mother of Surfactant, 53 (right)
Model Jerry Hall, 60 years (left), with daughter Lizzie Jagger, 32 years
Photos on the preview annanystrom, jerryfhall
See also
10 star moms who look the same age as their children
13 tips on how to quickly get in shape, from famous mom
via www.adme.ru/svoboda-avtorskie-kolonki/13-sovetov-o-tom-kak-bystro-prijti-v-formu-ot-znamenityh-mam-1357915/
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