12 ideas that will bring back the good in any city

As is often the act of one person inspiring thousands of others and something seriously changes in this world? We in the Website have gathered for you some examples that return the faith in goodness and humanity. But maybe you have a story to tell? Looking forward to your stories in the comments to the article.
Student 1 500 made origami hearts for all students in honor of Valentine's Day

The student did a paper 1 500 origami hearts, that every student received their postcard. Each Valentine card is written: "love You!" The act inspired students across America to follow this example.
"The good regiment", where everyone can leave food for the needy

Share "good Regiment" was invented by the residents of Irkutsk. Everyone can buy Essentials at the supermarket and keep on a special shelf so they could take in need. Today, these shelves appear in stores across Russia.
Chinese janitor worked 30 years to pay for the education of disadvantaged children 37

Usually the janitor in China sold his apartment and moved to a safe and then began to give almost all my salary for 30 years, to help abandoned children. The story of his selfless act has inspired people in China to donate money to help other children.
Unknown gave the pensioner the apartment, so social services took her grandson

Unknown in Kazakhstan gave the apartment to a homeless woman so she could get custody over their grandson, who was left without parents. Local residents helped to purchase equipment and furniture, and school a boy did for his grandmother redecorating in the new apartment.
"Hooks of kindness" to share clothing and food with those in need

Action "Hooks of kindness" quickly found supporters in the cities of Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Unknown set of hooks next to the trash containers that anyone can hang a bag with clean clothes or food for the needy.
This man gives 350 000 air miles to those who can not afford to buy a ticket home

Entrepreneur Peter Shankman travel frequently. Gathering of 350,000 miles, he gave them to people who could not afford to buy a ticket home for Christmas. His example has inspired thousands of other social media users to donate their airline miles for those who want to spend the holidays with family.
In Turkey dogs are allowed into shops at night to keep them warm on the street

In Istanbul, the shop owners have arranged for stray dogs temporary shelter in the Mall to keep them from freezing during severe cold weather. Local residents supported the idea and brought warm blankets and food to the dogs were more comfortable.
In St. Petersburg unknown benefactor paid the debt for pensioners in 2.5 million rubles for the plane

In St. Petersburg unknown persons have paid the debt of 2.5 million rubles, which was listed for one of the pensioners. Elderly pilot purchased the aircraft, which once flew, but could not pay the taxes on the plane, accumulated over 20 years. Now the pensioner wants to finish the renovation and to organize trips by plane for everyone.
The Imam invited all the homeless to shelter from the cold in warm mosque

The Imam in Sarajevo, opened the doors of its mosques to all the homeless to save them from the cold. No matter what nationality or religion people, Imam takes each as a guest. Residents of the city supported him and brought food and drinks for the homeless, turning the mosque into a warm shelter.
The townspeople raised money to help the pensioner in trouble, and he gave them apples

In Tomsk have an elderly disabled person stole items from the car. His son appealed through social networks to help in the search for criminals. Citizens found not bullies, but raised the money needed to buy new parts. And grandpa the whole day on the repaired car was treated to all citizens free of apples.
In one day managed to find new owners for 53 000 homeless dogs and cats

Every year in Texas, hold a campaign "Clean air shelters" (Clear the Shelters). In one day dozens of free shelters give homeless animals. In 2016 the day at 11 shelters, not a single animal: managed to attach 53 000 Pets.
The story about the seller ' Umar, who gave boxes of fruit to kids from hospices

Salesman named Omar, working at one of the markets of Moscow, presented the children with the boxes of fruit and vegetables when I learned that one of the women came to him for tangerines for the children's hospice.
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See also
7 stories about ordinary people who changed the world for the better
This man intends to return to the homeless dignity
10 stories about what is good in the world far more than we think
via www.adme.ru/zhizn-dobro/10-istorij-o-tom-chto-dobra-v-mire-kuda-bolshe-chem-my-dumaem-1296565/
Scientists have created a battery that produces energy from the air and carbon dioxide
This man is already 39 years can fly around the world for free