10 amazing rules of French moms
Pamela Druckerman — mother of three children and a writer, has published a bestselling book "French children don't spit food." In this book she explains why French children are so obedient, but mothers, even infants, always have time for myself and husband.
Pamela Druckerman
10 tips writer:1. Rule one: the perfect mom does not exist
Working mother always torn between home and family. She's trying to make everything perfect. And the French have a favorite quote: "Perfect mothers don't exist." Don't try to be perfect. They also try to educate the children concentration, sociability and self-control. At that time, like other mothers force children to learn the numbers and to read. Much more important to lay the Foundation that will bring them academic success in the future.
2. The second rule: you always must provide your own source of income
French mothers are convinced that every woman should have her own source of income. Even if you have a wealthy husband, it is possible that one day all this will collapse. This approach is very pragmatic, because you never know what will happen tomorrow.
3. Rule three: it is impossible to devote his entire life to the child
A parent will always take care of your child. But sometimes you need to allocate time to yourself. It may be the work itself, but not necessarily. Find some passion. The French convinced: if the world revolves only around the child — is primarily bad for him.
4. The fourth rule: from time to time keeping away from the child, you become a better mother
If the child will feel your constant presence, he can become dependent in adult life. This does not mean that I have to leave the kids for 2-3 weeks. Just don't bother your baby constant care, let him have time to miss you.
5. Rule five: forget about the guilt
There is no point in feeling guilty in front of the child because you work. The main thing — properly to communicate with the child in your free time. Listen to him, play with him and to learn patience.
6. Rule six: do not become a "mom-taxi"
This rule is directly related to the previous one. Don't enrol their child in various circles, to compensate for his absence. Parisian women, choosing extracurricular activities for children, always weigh how it will affect the quality of their own lives.
7. Rule the seventh: in a relationship parents there is a part in which the child is not involved
Don't forget that the basis of the family — married couple. Pay attention to not only the child but also to her husband. In France, all the parent space belongs to the child, only the first three months. A Frenchwoman once said to the writer: "my parents' Bedroom was a sacred place in the house. Needed a very good reason to go there. Between the parents there was always some connection that we, the children thought of the great secret."
8. Rule eight: do not ask husband's equal participation in household chores and childcare
Even if you work full time, don't force her husband to take the household chores in equal parts. But irritation and discontent you get nothing. For the conservative French women more important is the overall harmony in the relationship than equality of rights.
9. Rule nine: night — time adults and one weekend per month — your "honeymoon weekend"
Parents in Frontiers a month, weekend to dedicate only to yourself. It could be dinner, going to the movie or the theater. Work and children do not participate in this. Parents relax themselves from parental worries and don't feel guilty for it.
10. The tenth rule: the boss is you
Pamela writes: "This is the most difficult (at least for me) the rule of the French education. To realize that I make the decisions. I'm the boss.Not a dictator, and this is much (!) — and the boss. I give children a lot of freedom where possible, take into account their opinions and listen to their desires, but I make the decisions. Keep this in mind. On top of your own family pyramid is you. Not children, not your parents, not teachers or babysitters. Commanded the parade, you and only you."published
Author: Pamela Druckerman
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: interesnoznat.com/kak/10-udivitelnyx-pravil-francuzskix-mam.html

Pamela Druckerman
10 tips writer:1. Rule one: the perfect mom does not exist
Working mother always torn between home and family. She's trying to make everything perfect. And the French have a favorite quote: "Perfect mothers don't exist." Don't try to be perfect. They also try to educate the children concentration, sociability and self-control. At that time, like other mothers force children to learn the numbers and to read. Much more important to lay the Foundation that will bring them academic success in the future.
2. The second rule: you always must provide your own source of income
French mothers are convinced that every woman should have her own source of income. Even if you have a wealthy husband, it is possible that one day all this will collapse. This approach is very pragmatic, because you never know what will happen tomorrow.
3. Rule three: it is impossible to devote his entire life to the child
A parent will always take care of your child. But sometimes you need to allocate time to yourself. It may be the work itself, but not necessarily. Find some passion. The French convinced: if the world revolves only around the child — is primarily bad for him.
4. The fourth rule: from time to time keeping away from the child, you become a better mother
If the child will feel your constant presence, he can become dependent in adult life. This does not mean that I have to leave the kids for 2-3 weeks. Just don't bother your baby constant care, let him have time to miss you.
5. Rule five: forget about the guilt
There is no point in feeling guilty in front of the child because you work. The main thing — properly to communicate with the child in your free time. Listen to him, play with him and to learn patience.
6. Rule six: do not become a "mom-taxi"
This rule is directly related to the previous one. Don't enrol their child in various circles, to compensate for his absence. Parisian women, choosing extracurricular activities for children, always weigh how it will affect the quality of their own lives.

7. Rule the seventh: in a relationship parents there is a part in which the child is not involved
Don't forget that the basis of the family — married couple. Pay attention to not only the child but also to her husband. In France, all the parent space belongs to the child, only the first three months. A Frenchwoman once said to the writer: "my parents' Bedroom was a sacred place in the house. Needed a very good reason to go there. Between the parents there was always some connection that we, the children thought of the great secret."
8. Rule eight: do not ask husband's equal participation in household chores and childcare
Even if you work full time, don't force her husband to take the household chores in equal parts. But irritation and discontent you get nothing. For the conservative French women more important is the overall harmony in the relationship than equality of rights.
9. Rule nine: night — time adults and one weekend per month — your "honeymoon weekend"
Parents in Frontiers a month, weekend to dedicate only to yourself. It could be dinner, going to the movie or the theater. Work and children do not participate in this. Parents relax themselves from parental worries and don't feel guilty for it.
10. The tenth rule: the boss is you
Pamela writes: "This is the most difficult (at least for me) the rule of the French education. To realize that I make the decisions. I'm the boss.Not a dictator, and this is much (!) — and the boss. I give children a lot of freedom where possible, take into account their opinions and listen to their desires, but I make the decisions. Keep this in mind. On top of your own family pyramid is you. Not children, not your parents, not teachers or babysitters. Commanded the parade, you and only you."published
Author: Pamela Druckerman
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: interesnoznat.com/kak/10-udivitelnyx-pravil-francuzskix-mam.html
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