Guess the names of movies are encrypted with emoticons
Fifty five million five hundred twenty nine thousand six hundred sixty four
What modern man doesn't use Emoji in text messages? By using emoticons you can Express anything you want, and even write a story! The website offers you get smart and try to guess which films are encrypted with the smileys!
Three men in a boat, not counting the dog Knockin ' on heaven Good, the bad and the ugly die hard the silence of the lambs Ghostbusters Bitch-love In the jazz only girls, Edward Scissorhands, Night watch and Day watch one Flew over the cuckoo's nest From dusk till dawn planet of the apes Crouching tiger, hidden dragon
via factroom.ru
What modern man doesn't use Emoji in text messages? By using emoticons you can Express anything you want, and even write a story! The website offers you get smart and try to guess which films are encrypted with the smileys!

Three men in a boat, not counting the dog Knockin ' on heaven Good, the bad and the ugly die hard the silence of the lambs Ghostbusters Bitch-love In the jazz only girls, Edward Scissorhands, Night watch and Day watch one Flew over the cuckoo's nest From dusk till dawn planet of the apes Crouching tiger, hidden dragon
via factroom.ru