That's why you need to wear socks on the wiper blades! And a few winter tricks...
Winter is an extremely difficult time of year for all motorists. Every morning they are having a lot of trouble with personal transport: a frozen glass, headlights and doors, problems with the battery and locks...
Today our editorial team will share the conventional wisdom and help to prevent the most common problems with the car.
Tips for drivers
Today our editorial team will share the conventional wisdom and help to prevent the most common problems with the car.

Tips for drivers
- Misted glass
To get rid of this unpleasant phenomenon will help ordinary shaving cream. Just apply the product on glass, then wipe them with a dry cloth. On the glass surface formed a microfilm, which will prevent fogging and icing.
- Dirty headlights
Every driver tries to keep the light devices of the car clean, because it affects safety on the road. To clean lights of dirt, do not have to use a car chemistry. To get rid of the mud plaque will help ordinary toothpaste! Apply the remedy on the contaminated surface with a sponge, then wash away with water.
- The old battery
If there is a possibility that the car may not start in the morning is to find a site with a slight slope and Park it there. This will allow us to accelerate training, to include the third transfer and to start the engine without using the starter.
- Frozen windshield
To avoid this problem, try to Park the car windshield to the East. In Sunny weather, the morning sun will warm it and melt the ice. This trick will help daily to save 10 minutes.
- Frozen castle
What could be worse than a frozen door lock, trunk or hatch of the tank? In any case, you cannot warm it with hot water or with a lighter! This can entail a lot of unpleasant consequences. To easily open a car door, enough to breathe into the lock cylinder through a straw for drinks. The hot air will melt a thin layer of ice inside the iron mechanism.
- Freeze door
This is due to the accumulated moisture on the sealing rubbers. To avoid such unfortunate events, it is enough to use our cunning tip! Wipe the rubber seal with a cloth dipped in vegetable oil and then put the rest of a paper towel. The oil will repel the water and the car door will no longer freeze.
- Frozen wipers
This trouble can save ordinary socks. Just put on the wipers this article of clothing and leave it overnight in that condition. Just don't hold the wiper blade to the windshield! To peel the socks from the glass will be harder than the wipers.
So that's why you need to regularly restart the Wi-Fi router! Now no problem!
Attention! 11 qualities that give you a hick!