Signs and giving: what you can and cannot do on the Holy night!
7 January all Orthodox people celebrate the Great feast of the Nativity. It is preceded by Christmas Eve or Holy night (January 6), which is accompanied by many traditions and rituals. Want to celebrate Christmas correctly? Then this article is especially for you!
Holy vecherjaty evening — the last day of advent, whose main goal is to become more spiritually refined, to prepare for the Great feast. Dinner on 6 January should be modest, lean and soft.
Many Housewives, following the ancient legend, cook 12 meatless dishes, among which there is necessarily hungry kutia. Before going to Church for a service, you must break the fast with pudding and try a little bit of each of the 11 dishes on it.
It should be remembered that "full belly to prayer dull." During the meal not to talk a lot and swear and gossip. Meatless meals you need to drink uzvar, not water.
Those who are going to communion at the Liturgy, must eat food to last at least 6 hours before the Communion, that is, from about 6 PM. Service connected with Vespers and the Liturgy served in the morning. So we fast until the moment when the center of the temple imposed a candle in front of it is sung the troparion of the Nativity.
Visit the night or the morning service was a real blessing. But you need to look at his forces: if you have health and desire is to share universal joy in the temple. Night service contribute to a better understanding of the Great feast.
After the Liturgy begins festive meal. You can celebrate Christmas in the temple first, and then have a family celebration. Everyone decides for himself how to spend this holiday.
Most people prefer to relax after the service. In the evening to arrange a Christmas dinner, I decided to add in a hungry kutia variety of Goodies. Prepares generous kutia posed by godchildren to godfathers. Christmas dinner often consists of hearty meat dishes, dry wine, kutya and uzvar.
Don't forget to share with your friends this useful information — they will be grateful. Delicious you kutya, uzvar warm and good mood!
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Believes that art knows no rest! Enjoys drawing, used to look at life with a painter's eye. Cleaning the house and cooking finds work, a pleasure after all to any business can be creative! Loves unorthodox methods of solving problems. Favorite book Victoria — "Three comrades" E. M. Remarque.

Holy vecherjaty evening — the last day of advent, whose main goal is to become more spiritually refined, to prepare for the Great feast. Dinner on 6 January should be modest, lean and soft.
Many Housewives, following the ancient legend, cook 12 meatless dishes, among which there is necessarily hungry kutia. Before going to Church for a service, you must break the fast with pudding and try a little bit of each of the 11 dishes on it.
It should be remembered that "full belly to prayer dull." During the meal not to talk a lot and swear and gossip. Meatless meals you need to drink uzvar, not water.

Those who are going to communion at the Liturgy, must eat food to last at least 6 hours before the Communion, that is, from about 6 PM. Service connected with Vespers and the Liturgy served in the morning. So we fast until the moment when the center of the temple imposed a candle in front of it is sung the troparion of the Nativity.

Visit the night or the morning service was a real blessing. But you need to look at his forces: if you have health and desire is to share universal joy in the temple. Night service contribute to a better understanding of the Great feast.

After the Liturgy begins festive meal. You can celebrate Christmas in the temple first, and then have a family celebration. Everyone decides for himself how to spend this holiday.

Most people prefer to relax after the service. In the evening to arrange a Christmas dinner, I decided to add in a hungry kutia variety of Goodies. Prepares generous kutia posed by godchildren to godfathers. Christmas dinner often consists of hearty meat dishes, dry wine, kutya and uzvar.
Don't forget to share with your friends this useful information — they will be grateful. Delicious you kutya, uzvar warm and good mood!
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Believes that art knows no rest! Enjoys drawing, used to look at life with a painter's eye. Cleaning the house and cooking finds work, a pleasure after all to any business can be creative! Loves unorthodox methods of solving problems. Favorite book Victoria — "Three comrades" E. M. Remarque.
Christmas Is Coming! Make a generous pudding according to the old Athonite recipe!
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