Better to just hit, or 10 surefire ways to humiliate the child
Often the teenager hears from teachers or from their parents abusive or simply stupid phrase. Some of them we remembered and tried to comprehend.
Expressions and techniques that you will see below, cause any human feelings of helplessness and anger. And the children, as you know, are people too. The fact that this phrase is a gross oversimplification, which is usually used in dealing with animals. People seem to be quite feasible to conduct a more widespread conversation. And yet, and yet...
Show me one person who had never played before at least one of these items.
1. "Scary to think that one of you will"
Normal school, normal students, and all of a sudden — severe pessimistic thoughts about the fate of a whole class, generation, and country. Of course, no response teacher a private question can not give. Such a terrible question, even breath on the future of the Fatherland is conceptualized momentary and becomes just babble. And the students only fueling such anger. "Certainly you will not", thinks the student, looking at the boring teacher. That is, answers her in the same coin. Evil multiplies evil. But how else?
2. "As you continue to live will be dead?"
From the same category of reasoning teachers about the degree of "dohlosti" or "pain" of certain students. And again, it probably is not that such a phrase can offend. To be Frank, the opinion of the teacher is of little interest to the ordinary student. But this phrase surprises with its senselessness. Let's think of a dozen "dead", that could be somebody. So he thinks and the pupil, listening to his coach.
3. "Are you going to swing a shovel or in supermarket vegetables"
So the teachers are afraid of the careless disciples to the grim prospect of their lives. But... Often among the careless (and approximate, however, too) students, there are some whose parents are just "loaded vegetables", or sell the vegetables. It turns out an uncomfortable situation. Not too tactful phrase, right?
4. "At your age we could not afford"
The traditional mantra about obnoxious young people. Rhymes with "what you will". Another nonsense, unfit for use in school. Rare the disciples elect a role model of the average child from the third quarter of the twentieth century. And, of course, their behavior will not be ashamed.
5. "Here you will be 18 and do what you want"
However, the age can be heard at home. Example — just this phrase, the generic argument to end any dispute in favor of the adult. Yes, sometimes such a phrase is appropriate. And sometimes she becomes an empty excuse and means I won't listen to you, your arguments mean nothing, your opinion I will not change, it is your duty to obey.
Here the same judgment "when you start to earn, then you will have your opinion." As long as you only "feed" without providing any family does, you must obey the internal rules. This phrase is often chopped off awkward dialogue, but still held the dubious relationship between financial well-being and the right to an opinion. Although...
6. "You did not give the word"
These words — loud reminder that you're still a nobody. By the way, sometimes and say, you're nobody. Here will someone talk. Dangerous and even unacceptable to poke a teenager in "no one." "Nobody" was Odysseus only. And then — in a unique position.
7. Clichés
Trite, rude phrase used in the educational work is unprofessional. Effective? Maybe. Instructive? No. This phrase is a sign that the person releasing them, not very willing or not very able to carry on an educational dialogue. They don't so much insult, how much angered by your presumptuous stupidity. Frustrating, especially in high school, hear from teachers stamps.
During training, they memorized two and two, and all sorts of "forest of hands" and "the forgotten house of the head" sound boring. Is it so difficult to invent something new? The use of stamps immediately raises questions. Teacher so kancelaria that says speech a caricature of the teacher? Or is he just not very skillfully builds his speech, flooding her with all sorts of outdated designs? In General, students are taught not to use his speech word-parasites, and to teach the teachers to speak without cliches.
8. Doubt the mental and moral qualities
Lying, cynical, quirky — such severe labels sometimes are hung over do not correspond to similar definitions duties. And to hear that you are deceitful and cynical just because of some truancy is weird. Like teachers or parents to aggravate when nothing cynical in violation case no. Ordinary youthful folly. To call stupid cynicism is it's very hard to Dodge.
9. Deprivation of the right to expression
Some students at times cause the rejection of the "sacred topics." War, siege, feat... It's sacred, great, and all of a sudden this does not cause any response. Or causes (it happens sometimes — tough age, what to do) a negative response.
A movie about the war is improbable, the poem is incomprehensible, and the prose is generally boring to read and not necessary. Blurt out is — and the answer is that you are not worthy son of his Fatherland and parents brought up something mocking, vicious and defective, not human at all. For "sacred threads" gets hurt.
10. Exaggerated accusations
The girl, along, becomes, "I do not want to talk, look at you"; the feisty and active, noisy boys turn into "animals", and those who are afraid to admit their guilt for any misdemeanor, become "fascists". Such comparisons appear to be too heavy like stokilogrammovye weights hanging on the neck of the "dead" students — that is about the discordant nonsense turns out.
Also interesting: "to Teach means to praise": a mother of three children bad grades, and unhappy teachers
How to conduct a critical conversation with the child
In this text, are not protected from the evil of innocent teachers, students, and parents — children. In this text, given those phrases by which, as a rule, it is difficult to positively influence on teenagers. This phrase is a simplification: in form and in meaning. You can in fact do to simplify everything to the limit to bring back corporal punishment. But it's not our way?
And I when we were kids was accused that I do not blush. Chastise — and I do not blush and all. Weather here ham, squirt've done — and not even blush, do not you ashamed, I mean.
It was that fear I paled.published
Author: Georgiy Menshikov
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: newtonew.com/discussions/how-to-humiliate-a-child
Expressions and techniques that you will see below, cause any human feelings of helplessness and anger. And the children, as you know, are people too. The fact that this phrase is a gross oversimplification, which is usually used in dealing with animals. People seem to be quite feasible to conduct a more widespread conversation. And yet, and yet...

Show me one person who had never played before at least one of these items.
1. "Scary to think that one of you will"
Normal school, normal students, and all of a sudden — severe pessimistic thoughts about the fate of a whole class, generation, and country. Of course, no response teacher a private question can not give. Such a terrible question, even breath on the future of the Fatherland is conceptualized momentary and becomes just babble. And the students only fueling such anger. "Certainly you will not", thinks the student, looking at the boring teacher. That is, answers her in the same coin. Evil multiplies evil. But how else?
2. "As you continue to live will be dead?"
From the same category of reasoning teachers about the degree of "dohlosti" or "pain" of certain students. And again, it probably is not that such a phrase can offend. To be Frank, the opinion of the teacher is of little interest to the ordinary student. But this phrase surprises with its senselessness. Let's think of a dozen "dead", that could be somebody. So he thinks and the pupil, listening to his coach.
3. "Are you going to swing a shovel or in supermarket vegetables"
So the teachers are afraid of the careless disciples to the grim prospect of their lives. But... Often among the careless (and approximate, however, too) students, there are some whose parents are just "loaded vegetables", or sell the vegetables. It turns out an uncomfortable situation. Not too tactful phrase, right?

4. "At your age we could not afford"
The traditional mantra about obnoxious young people. Rhymes with "what you will". Another nonsense, unfit for use in school. Rare the disciples elect a role model of the average child from the third quarter of the twentieth century. And, of course, their behavior will not be ashamed.
5. "Here you will be 18 and do what you want"
However, the age can be heard at home. Example — just this phrase, the generic argument to end any dispute in favor of the adult. Yes, sometimes such a phrase is appropriate. And sometimes she becomes an empty excuse and means I won't listen to you, your arguments mean nothing, your opinion I will not change, it is your duty to obey.
Here the same judgment "when you start to earn, then you will have your opinion." As long as you only "feed" without providing any family does, you must obey the internal rules. This phrase is often chopped off awkward dialogue, but still held the dubious relationship between financial well-being and the right to an opinion. Although...
6. "You did not give the word"
These words — loud reminder that you're still a nobody. By the way, sometimes and say, you're nobody. Here will someone talk. Dangerous and even unacceptable to poke a teenager in "no one." "Nobody" was Odysseus only. And then — in a unique position.

7. Clichés
Trite, rude phrase used in the educational work is unprofessional. Effective? Maybe. Instructive? No. This phrase is a sign that the person releasing them, not very willing or not very able to carry on an educational dialogue. They don't so much insult, how much angered by your presumptuous stupidity. Frustrating, especially in high school, hear from teachers stamps.
During training, they memorized two and two, and all sorts of "forest of hands" and "the forgotten house of the head" sound boring. Is it so difficult to invent something new? The use of stamps immediately raises questions. Teacher so kancelaria that says speech a caricature of the teacher? Or is he just not very skillfully builds his speech, flooding her with all sorts of outdated designs? In General, students are taught not to use his speech word-parasites, and to teach the teachers to speak without cliches.
8. Doubt the mental and moral qualities
Lying, cynical, quirky — such severe labels sometimes are hung over do not correspond to similar definitions duties. And to hear that you are deceitful and cynical just because of some truancy is weird. Like teachers or parents to aggravate when nothing cynical in violation case no. Ordinary youthful folly. To call stupid cynicism is it's very hard to Dodge.

9. Deprivation of the right to expression
Some students at times cause the rejection of the "sacred topics." War, siege, feat... It's sacred, great, and all of a sudden this does not cause any response. Or causes (it happens sometimes — tough age, what to do) a negative response.
A movie about the war is improbable, the poem is incomprehensible, and the prose is generally boring to read and not necessary. Blurt out is — and the answer is that you are not worthy son of his Fatherland and parents brought up something mocking, vicious and defective, not human at all. For "sacred threads" gets hurt.
10. Exaggerated accusations
The girl, along, becomes, "I do not want to talk, look at you"; the feisty and active, noisy boys turn into "animals", and those who are afraid to admit their guilt for any misdemeanor, become "fascists". Such comparisons appear to be too heavy like stokilogrammovye weights hanging on the neck of the "dead" students — that is about the discordant nonsense turns out.
Also interesting: "to Teach means to praise": a mother of three children bad grades, and unhappy teachers
How to conduct a critical conversation with the child
In this text, are not protected from the evil of innocent teachers, students, and parents — children. In this text, given those phrases by which, as a rule, it is difficult to positively influence on teenagers. This phrase is a simplification: in form and in meaning. You can in fact do to simplify everything to the limit to bring back corporal punishment. But it's not our way?
And I when we were kids was accused that I do not blush. Chastise — and I do not blush and all. Weather here ham, squirt've done — and not even blush, do not you ashamed, I mean.
It was that fear I paled.published
Author: Georgiy Menshikov
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: newtonew.com/discussions/how-to-humiliate-a-child