This site allows you to find work for a year anywhere in the world
Forty nine million six hundred seventeen thousand eight hundred sixty
Everyone wants to travel and at the same time earn money. And for many people, thanks to the Internet, this dream has become a reality.
The website will tell you about the service that is rapidly gaining popularity in Europe and allows people to find a job anywhere in the world.
Founder of the service Jobbatical — Karoli Hindriks, a girl born in the USSR.
Having good experience in creating media from scratch, she easily found work in the United States and realized that her skills and abilities can be claimed in any part of the globe. So, we got the idea to do a service.
Now Jobbatical is a platform that helps you find each other employers and professionals who want to go to work in another country.
To begin the job search, you need to fill out a profile on the site, describe your previous experience and skills, and specify the desired country to work with. Employers are looking for workers they need, and then contact candidates and negotiate the terms of relocation. As a rule, small work contracts lasting from 2-3 months to a year. In most cases, the applicant must pay all the travel costs.
The most popular for hiring, of course, the developers. For example, employers are often looking for experts who are familiar with Ruby, Java, PHP, and have the skills in mobile application development. And also designers, business developers and marketers.
So now, if you want to live in Bali or to get into the team of any startup, have it is extremely easy — simply fill out a form.
Source jobbatical
Photos on the preview mainforme
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30 sites where you can find creative work
85 sites for finding remote work
400 coolest online resources for all occasions
via www.adme.ru/tvorchestvo-dizajn/400-krutyh-internet-resursov-na-vse-sluchai-zhizni-1113010/
Everyone wants to travel and at the same time earn money. And for many people, thanks to the Internet, this dream has become a reality.
The website will tell you about the service that is rapidly gaining popularity in Europe and allows people to find a job anywhere in the world.
Founder of the service Jobbatical — Karoli Hindriks, a girl born in the USSR.
Having good experience in creating media from scratch, she easily found work in the United States and realized that her skills and abilities can be claimed in any part of the globe. So, we got the idea to do a service.
Now Jobbatical is a platform that helps you find each other employers and professionals who want to go to work in another country.
To begin the job search, you need to fill out a profile on the site, describe your previous experience and skills, and specify the desired country to work with. Employers are looking for workers they need, and then contact candidates and negotiate the terms of relocation. As a rule, small work contracts lasting from 2-3 months to a year. In most cases, the applicant must pay all the travel costs.
The most popular for hiring, of course, the developers. For example, employers are often looking for experts who are familiar with Ruby, Java, PHP, and have the skills in mobile application development. And also designers, business developers and marketers.
So now, if you want to live in Bali or to get into the team of any startup, have it is extremely easy — simply fill out a form.
Source jobbatical
Photos on the preview mainforme
See also
30 sites where you can find creative work
85 sites for finding remote work
400 coolest online resources for all occasions
via www.adme.ru/tvorchestvo-dizajn/400-krutyh-internet-resursov-na-vse-sluchai-zhizni-1113010/
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