Top 20 funniest tweets of the year about seals

If a person has a cat, a man just happy. The same principle applies, and Vice versa, the seals are also happy that they have great hosts. And they often share funny photos of their Pets on Twitter, raising the mood around the world. The website offers readers 20 of the best reports of seals this year, which absolutely will cause tears of laughter and emotion!
I left my cat for five minutes. He got all four paws on the envelope. Why?!

Image source: Boredpanda.somego arrival was foretold by the ancient frescoes

I spent two fucking hours to find my cat!

Let's put Catnip. — they said. — It protects against mosquitoes. What can go wrong? — they said.

Don't talk to me or my son, or my son's son or son of son of my son

My parents put the Christmas decorations up. Tell me why my cat portrays Jesus?

I'm pretty sure my cat is watching tutorials on YouTube makeup while I'm at work...

Choreography these girls are so striking that I would have hired them

I've seen Favourites this morning

My cat just gave birth to under our tree

I gave my cat Catnip and he is already 2 hours

My cat always covers his privates when sleeping on the back because he is a decent member of society

It was a difficult test, but I stood

She sat in the middle of the train and drove aimlessly

My cat is stuck between two glass doors. I'm crying from laughter!

This cat went with me to the Elevator to meet his girlfriend

They have been together for more than a year

I'm really jealous of this cat and his suspension bridge

I have to say that this is the best picture of a cat and the man, though, because their hairstyles match

via www.boredpanda.com/funniest-cat-tweets-2016/?page_numb=1
Game emotions: the photographer made the feeder and a whole winter photographing birds
Can you guess all the TV shows that are encoded in the image?