Scientists discovered in Greece ruins of an unknown city

Recently a group of archaeologists from the University of Gothenburg found in Greece an ancient city previously unknown to science.
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The ruins of the ancient settlement, the archaeologists found near the city of Karditsa, approximately 300 km North of Athens. It is worth noting that the ruins of the settlements on the hill was already known to scientists, but nobody was paying them due attention. Everyone believed they were part of the nearby town, so thorough research in this area has not been undertaken.

A group of Swedish scientists decided to continue research on this hill, and in the end among the ruins they found another full-fledged ancient city, hidden among the scattered stones.

The experts were lucky to find the remains of towers, walls and even the city gates on the top and slopes of a hill, and several of the city squares and streets under the ground. The area of the city, according to scientists, was about 400 thousand square meters.

During the first two weeks of work the team of scientists found ancient pottery and coins Dating from 500 BC, In this regard, experts have suggested that the settlement was abandoned about 300 BC, and its heyday was in the period 200 years before. Researchers also believe that the region was abandoned by residents after it was conquered by the Romans.

The Swedes are working together with the Greek colleagues, and next year intend to continue a thorough study of the area using special ground-based radar, and then have to start digging.

According to Swedish scientists, this discovery could change the understanding of the local history, because this is the first serious archaeological research conducted in the area.
Source vlap.se/blog
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