Donald trump asked the reporters not to publish his unsuccessful photo. And this is what came of it!
Sixty seven million two hundred ninety six thousand nine hundred forty six
The election of Donald trump President of the United States still causes a mixed reaction of the American public. To the new head of the government, journalists have a lot of questions, and many of them sound very sarcastically. Clearly a mistake of the President was to go to him with a request not to publish his unsuccessful photo with a huge second chin. As a result, the photo still leaked and caused a storm of ridicule and caricatures.
The website publishes a selection of the most, in our opinion, successful of these cartoons.
The photo that started it all
The source of the photos: read more netЯ not want to look
Never let Vagonu to read your tweets
Going somewhere, Gandalf?
Candle Trump
Sumo wrestler
In the game
Jabba The Hutt
35040 hours
Ice cream
A pig living in the White house
Endless love
Open your mind!
Hair on the chin
Close Jabba The Hutt?
Sumo wrestler
In the animal world
Furry pet
California raisins
Musical instrument
After a few years...
We must build a wall
Angry dwarf
Jabba The Trump
via factroom.ru
The election of Donald trump President of the United States still causes a mixed reaction of the American public. To the new head of the government, journalists have a lot of questions, and many of them sound very sarcastically. Clearly a mistake of the President was to go to him with a request not to publish his unsuccessful photo with a huge second chin. As a result, the photo still leaked and caused a storm of ridicule and caricatures.
The website publishes a selection of the most, in our opinion, successful of these cartoons.
The photo that started it all
The source of the photos: read more netЯ not want to look
Never let Vagonu to read your tweets
Going somewhere, Gandalf?
Candle Trump
Sumo wrestler
In the game
Jabba The Hutt
35040 hours
Ice cream
A pig living in the White house
Endless love
Open your mind!
Hair on the chin
Close Jabba The Hutt?
Sumo wrestler
In the animal world
Furry pet
California raisins
Musical instrument
After a few years...
We must build a wall
Angry dwarf
Jabba The Trump
via factroom.ru
Stop to sit, crossing her legs! This posture is harmful to your health, and here's why
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