Fake eggs from China: how to do it and how to spot a fake
The Chinese are great masters of imitation. They have learned to perfectly copy the clothes and accessories, gadgets and paintings, architectural structures and entire cities. But if through drawn to the fakes appearing on the market, artificial eggs, you should consider your own safety.
The talent of the people of China in the field of counterfeit food is not news. You may have already read about the unique food fakes, including a luminous and cardboard pork buns. It would seem to make the egg much more complicated. But, no! Faux you hardly distinguishable from the chicken.
In these eggs are a storehouse of nutrients: fats, proteins, glucose, carbohydrates, minerals, numerous enzymes, and a set of vitamins (A, E, D, group B). There is cholesterol that does not harm human health. That is why experts advise to eat one egg per day, and the kids ' menu, this product is considered indispensable.
Fake egg is an absolute "dummy", there is nothing useful. The shell is made of gypsum, calcium and paraffin. Protein and the yolk is formed from a mixture of gelatin and calcium alginate, with the addition of pigments.
Enjoy this work of art several times and the consequences can be unpredictable.
Long-term use negatively affects the nervous system. Children may experience excessive mobility, mental development when it slows down.
As do
Produce fake eggs so skillfully that recreate even the air membrane in the lower part of the shell. Will not carp!
Start with the yolk. A chemical compound painted in yellow color by using pigments and lower in shape to become spherical.
All this chemical mess is immersed in a potassium carbonate so formed protective film, and further artificial yolk dribble. In another form the yolk envelop protein.
Cover billet artificial shell, a few times dipping it in a solution of paraffin wax, potassium carbonate and powdered gypsum.
Dried and ready! Externally, the egg, made by craftsman, no different from produced by the light chicken.
The meaning of the forgery
If someone is willing to spend time on laborious manipulation of chemical substances, look for benefits. Fake chicken eggs in China has long outgrown the Amateur experiments and turned into a very profitable business.
It turns out that the cost of manufacturing fake does not exceed 25% of the price on a real egg. You can put them on sale slightly cheaper than market value and everything to gain!
So, of course, do. Visitors to the markets in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and other major cities in China in any case the risk to buy a dozen or two "chemical" eggs.
I think you should not worry, let worry the Chinese? In vain. Fake eggs have long been sold in our country.
How to recognize
The buyer is tired after a hard working day definitely will not notice anything suspicious. Except that the price may pleasantly surprise, but that's no reason to accuse someone of fraud. However, if you carefully compare the two eggs, fake and natural, you can still find some differences.
The artificial shell is shinier, but it's a moot argument. Break this egg and leave in the tank for a while, gradually the yolk and white are mixed into a single mass, because they are made of similar materials.
Noticed that hard-boiled eggs, which had been in the refrigerator for about 6 hours, the yolk a little blue? So with "chemical" this will not happen. Crumble the yolk will not, and will become more gelatinous, but the protein is slightly yellow and can crack into pieces.
Frying differences you will not see and the strange taste of meal will not.
Secret milkshake in the Soviet10 reasons to have children after 30 years
The sale of substitute foods are forbidden, but that doesn't stop entrepreneurs who want to earn. In China, a lot of people who have to save on food, so the demand for cheap eggs will always be. It is sad that such products safely seep through the border and you can be on our table. Well, let's be careful.published
Source: infomaniya.com/poddelnyie-yaytsa-iz-kitaya-kak-eto-delayut-i-kak-raspoznat-poddelku/

The talent of the people of China in the field of counterfeit food is not news. You may have already read about the unique food fakes, including a luminous and cardboard pork buns. It would seem to make the egg much more complicated. But, no! Faux you hardly distinguishable from the chicken.

In these eggs are a storehouse of nutrients: fats, proteins, glucose, carbohydrates, minerals, numerous enzymes, and a set of vitamins (A, E, D, group B). There is cholesterol that does not harm human health. That is why experts advise to eat one egg per day, and the kids ' menu, this product is considered indispensable.

Fake egg is an absolute "dummy", there is nothing useful. The shell is made of gypsum, calcium and paraffin. Protein and the yolk is formed from a mixture of gelatin and calcium alginate, with the addition of pigments.
Enjoy this work of art several times and the consequences can be unpredictable.

Long-term use negatively affects the nervous system. Children may experience excessive mobility, mental development when it slows down.
As do
Produce fake eggs so skillfully that recreate even the air membrane in the lower part of the shell. Will not carp!

Start with the yolk. A chemical compound painted in yellow color by using pigments and lower in shape to become spherical.
All this chemical mess is immersed in a potassium carbonate so formed protective film, and further artificial yolk dribble. In another form the yolk envelop protein.

Cover billet artificial shell, a few times dipping it in a solution of paraffin wax, potassium carbonate and powdered gypsum.

Dried and ready! Externally, the egg, made by craftsman, no different from produced by the light chicken.
The meaning of the forgery
If someone is willing to spend time on laborious manipulation of chemical substances, look for benefits. Fake chicken eggs in China has long outgrown the Amateur experiments and turned into a very profitable business.

It turns out that the cost of manufacturing fake does not exceed 25% of the price on a real egg. You can put them on sale slightly cheaper than market value and everything to gain!
So, of course, do. Visitors to the markets in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and other major cities in China in any case the risk to buy a dozen or two "chemical" eggs.
I think you should not worry, let worry the Chinese? In vain. Fake eggs have long been sold in our country.
How to recognize
The buyer is tired after a hard working day definitely will not notice anything suspicious. Except that the price may pleasantly surprise, but that's no reason to accuse someone of fraud. However, if you carefully compare the two eggs, fake and natural, you can still find some differences.

The artificial shell is shinier, but it's a moot argument. Break this egg and leave in the tank for a while, gradually the yolk and white are mixed into a single mass, because they are made of similar materials.
Noticed that hard-boiled eggs, which had been in the refrigerator for about 6 hours, the yolk a little blue? So with "chemical" this will not happen. Crumble the yolk will not, and will become more gelatinous, but the protein is slightly yellow and can crack into pieces.
Frying differences you will not see and the strange taste of meal will not.
Secret milkshake in the Soviet10 reasons to have children after 30 years
The sale of substitute foods are forbidden, but that doesn't stop entrepreneurs who want to earn. In China, a lot of people who have to save on food, so the demand for cheap eggs will always be. It is sad that such products safely seep through the border and you can be on our table. Well, let's be careful.published
Source: infomaniya.com/poddelnyie-yaytsa-iz-kitaya-kak-eto-delayut-i-kak-raspoznat-poddelku/