Odessa film Studio has uploaded all his movies for free!

The website is brought to the reader good news: now we can watch movies absolutely free! Films made at the Odessa film Studio, posted. You can watch them on a specially created channel on YouTube. All it contains 428 films. Among them: "Ten little Indians" (1987), "the meeting Place cannot be changed" (1979), "Magicians" (1982), "the Life and strange surprising adventures of Robinson Crusoe" (1972), "D'artagnan and three Musketeers" (1979), "the adventures of electronics" (1979), "Gypsy" (1979), "Prisoner of If castle" (1988), "In search of captain Grant" (1986) and many others.
Odessa film Studio is one of the oldest film studios of the Russian Empire, the Soviet Union and Ukraine. Traces its history to 1907, when it was created by a private Atelier "Mirograf". As the state film Studio founded in 1919 in connection with the nationalization and merger of private film studios, in 1922, reorganized into the Odessa film Studio HFSA (nationwide photochemoprevention), in 1929 renamed into the Odessa film Studio "Studio ukrainfilm", from 1938 to 1941 — Odessa film Studio of feature films in the years of the great Patriotic war of 1941-1945 was part of the Tashkent film Studio, since 1954, returned to work in Odessa. In 2005 reorganized into a JSC (the state owns a controlling stake).
On the territory of the Odessa film Studio is the film Museum of the Odessa branch of the National Union of cinematographers of Ukraine. The Museum contains materials collected over the years of the Odessa film Studio, including books, Newspapers, magazines about the cinema from 1900, catalogues of films made at the Studio, photo albums actor's trial, information about the Directors and producers of the film Studio, cine, etc.
via cameralabs.org/10808-odesskaya-kinostudiya-vylozhila-vse-svoi-filmy-v-svobodnyj-dostup
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