BMW X3 and BMW Mini perekvalifitsiruetsya in electric vehicles
The Bavarian automaker is increasingly focused on creating electric cars. Thus, recently, the head of BMW Harald Krueger officially declared that the company plans in the near future to produce several popular models, equipped with electric motor. The number of new electric cars will include a hatchback Mini, a collection of the crossover X3 and X4.
The CEO of BMW said that the electric car Mini needs to be on the market in 2019, followed, by 2020, will be followed by a "green" version of the sports SUV BMW X3. The cost of new electric vehicles, according to the head of the German mark, will be quite competitive. The same applies to the technical characteristics.
While in the line of BMW has only one fully electric car — i3. Models of the latest generation equipped with electric power of 170 HP and a battery of 33 kW*h. the Hatchback is gaining "hundred" in 7.3 seconds and its maximum speed is 150 km/h. cruising range BMW i3 to 300 km in the NEDC cycle.
BMW will have a tough competition with other car manufacturers: Daimler likewise, trends, and seriously undertook the direction of electric mobility, Volkswagen also makes no secret of its ambitious plans to establish a number of "green" cars, and expects to get in this segment a major share of the market. published
Source: ecotechnica.com.ua/transport/1487-bmw-x3-i-bmw-mini-perekvalifitsiruyutsya-v-elektromobili.html

The CEO of BMW said that the electric car Mini needs to be on the market in 2019, followed, by 2020, will be followed by a "green" version of the sports SUV BMW X3. The cost of new electric vehicles, according to the head of the German mark, will be quite competitive. The same applies to the technical characteristics.
While in the line of BMW has only one fully electric car — i3. Models of the latest generation equipped with electric power of 170 HP and a battery of 33 kW*h. the Hatchback is gaining "hundred" in 7.3 seconds and its maximum speed is 150 km/h. cruising range BMW i3 to 300 km in the NEDC cycle.
BMW will have a tough competition with other car manufacturers: Daimler likewise, trends, and seriously undertook the direction of electric mobility, Volkswagen also makes no secret of its ambitious plans to establish a number of "green" cars, and expects to get in this segment a major share of the market. published
Source: ecotechnica.com.ua/transport/1487-bmw-x3-i-bmw-mini-perekvalifitsiruyutsya-v-elektromobili.html