Nobel winner 2016, asinari Osumi proven benefit of fasting
Asinari, Osumi — specialist in cell biology from Japan — became a Nobel laureate in physiology and medicine.
Started Nobel week, during which will be distributed to the honorary scientific awards and winners of medicine and physiology, physics, and chemistry.
Scientist who discovered the mechanism of preserving youth, and he looks youthful.
Laureate in medicine and physiology was named today to October 3, 2016. They asinari Osumi (Yoshinori Ohsumi) is a specialist in cell biology from the University of Tokyo, which is awarded "for the discovery of mechanisms of autophagy".
The first Nobel prize 2016 are named.
Press release of the Nobel Committee reads as follows:
"Open Osumi has led to a new paradigm in our understanding of how the cell recycles its contents. His discoveries opened the way to understanding the fundamental importance of autophagy for many physiological processes such as adaptation to starvation and the response to infection.
Autophagy is a process of recycling and processing of unnecessary parts of the cell different the backlog in her "trash". The term gave the name to the process, is formed from two Greek words that together are translated as "self-blame". Or "samopouzdanje".
The mechanism of autophagy.
The fact that the phenomenon exists at all, scientists have discovered in the 60-ies of the last century. But are unable to understand the intricacies of the mechanism. In the 90-ies did Osumi. Pursuing his experiments, he uncovered the genes responsible for autophagy. And almost a quarter of a century the award has found the hero who became the 39th in the history of the scientists awarded the Nobel prize alone.
Autophagy is inherent to living organisms, including our own. Thanks to her cells and getting rid of unnecessary parts and the whole organism from unwanted cells.
Provident nature has endowed cells are such an amazing and useful ability — to digest what's unnecessary or harmful. They act almost like us. Only automatically. Pack garbage in special bags — autophagosome. Next, move containers lysosomes. Where is the "dirtiest" is destroyed and digested. Processed products — a kind of "recycle" — go to the production of fuel for power cells. Of them are made and new building blocks used to update the cells.
Education the classification.
Thanks to autophagy, the cell is cleaned from trapped infection and from the resulting toxins.
Autophagy starts to work more rapidly when the body is under stress. For example, fast. In this case, the cell produces energy at the expense of their internal resources from any accumulated debris. And including from pathogenic bacteria.
Open the winner testifies to fast and sometimes to fast and still useful — the body is really cleared. Confirmed by the Nobel Committee.
How to assure colleagues Osumi, autophagy protects the body from premature ageing. Maybe even rejuvenates by creating new cells, rids the body of defective proteins and damaged intracellular elements, keeping it in good condition.
And violations in the process of autophagy lead to Parkinson's disease, diabetes and even cancer. Realizing this, doctors create new drugs that can correct the violation and, therefore, cure.
However... it Seems that prevention is sometimes starve, will drive the body in health, as it turns out, stress.
Asinari, Osumi was born in 1945. Your prize amount of SEK 8 million is slightly more than 950 thousand dollars - he would get together with other scientists-laureates in Stockholm on December 10.
Source: www.kp.ru/daily/26589.5/3605050/
Started Nobel week, during which will be distributed to the honorary scientific awards and winners of medicine and physiology, physics, and chemistry.

Scientist who discovered the mechanism of preserving youth, and he looks youthful.
Laureate in medicine and physiology was named today to October 3, 2016. They asinari Osumi (Yoshinori Ohsumi) is a specialist in cell biology from the University of Tokyo, which is awarded "for the discovery of mechanisms of autophagy".

The first Nobel prize 2016 are named.
Press release of the Nobel Committee reads as follows:
"Open Osumi has led to a new paradigm in our understanding of how the cell recycles its contents. His discoveries opened the way to understanding the fundamental importance of autophagy for many physiological processes such as adaptation to starvation and the response to infection.
Autophagy is a process of recycling and processing of unnecessary parts of the cell different the backlog in her "trash". The term gave the name to the process, is formed from two Greek words that together are translated as "self-blame". Or "samopouzdanje".

The mechanism of autophagy.
The fact that the phenomenon exists at all, scientists have discovered in the 60-ies of the last century. But are unable to understand the intricacies of the mechanism. In the 90-ies did Osumi. Pursuing his experiments, he uncovered the genes responsible for autophagy. And almost a quarter of a century the award has found the hero who became the 39th in the history of the scientists awarded the Nobel prize alone.
Autophagy is inherent to living organisms, including our own. Thanks to her cells and getting rid of unnecessary parts and the whole organism from unwanted cells.
Provident nature has endowed cells are such an amazing and useful ability — to digest what's unnecessary or harmful. They act almost like us. Only automatically. Pack garbage in special bags — autophagosome. Next, move containers lysosomes. Where is the "dirtiest" is destroyed and digested. Processed products — a kind of "recycle" — go to the production of fuel for power cells. Of them are made and new building blocks used to update the cells.

Education the classification.
Thanks to autophagy, the cell is cleaned from trapped infection and from the resulting toxins.
Autophagy starts to work more rapidly when the body is under stress. For example, fast. In this case, the cell produces energy at the expense of their internal resources from any accumulated debris. And including from pathogenic bacteria.
Open the winner testifies to fast and sometimes to fast and still useful — the body is really cleared. Confirmed by the Nobel Committee.
How to assure colleagues Osumi, autophagy protects the body from premature ageing. Maybe even rejuvenates by creating new cells, rids the body of defective proteins and damaged intracellular elements, keeping it in good condition.

And violations in the process of autophagy lead to Parkinson's disease, diabetes and even cancer. Realizing this, doctors create new drugs that can correct the violation and, therefore, cure.
However... it Seems that prevention is sometimes starve, will drive the body in health, as it turns out, stress.
Asinari, Osumi was born in 1945. Your prize amount of SEK 8 million is slightly more than 950 thousand dollars - he would get together with other scientists-laureates in Stockholm on December 10.
Source: www.kp.ru/daily/26589.5/3605050/
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