Magnolia 2300 — the first eco-friendly luxury Energy Star

Many people dream about building their own home, but few actually realize this dream. Those who are looking for interesting DIY projects, is familiar with this idea. Rachel Ross, who is a design consultant and co-owner of Mandala Homes, worked with her husband Lars on the creation of not one but a series of Yurt of the Energy Star standard, which located in a beautiful wooded location in Nelson (Canada).

2300 Magnolia is an eco-friendly property with a round shape with three bedrooms, located in the dense green forest in Nelson. The house has been designed using the principles of building construction Slow Home, which is safe for health, correspond exactly to the needs of the residents and do not harm the environment. The design was 'slow' but the construction was quick.

The house is round, and that means that it literally "covers" the people who live there. Lars is building round homes since 2000, and this house is the embodiment of his dreams. Every aspect of the project designed to precisely fit the needs of the family.

For house construction was not cut down a single tree. It was a natural clearing in the forest with the trees, which were ideally suited by location, to create the necessary space inside. "This eco-friendly house is one of four round buildings on our a 1.5-acre site, which also includes the round Studio, a round garage, and a round greenhouse. We hope to continue to work on this project, to build round, green and energy-efficient houses for many years!" — spoken by the hosts.
Source: /users/78
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