Award bill gates: toilet solar powered
Bill gates is a great example of what huge money can be not only endless opportunities but also great responsibility. Their space capital American uses, not only in personal and corporate purposes, but also for charity. For example, recently he was given a prize of $ 100 thousand dollars to the creators of toilet solar.
Justifying its decision, gates leads the sad statistics, according to which, in the world due to lack of proper hygienic conditions die each year half a million children under five years of age. And 2.6 billion people live with virtually no access to adequate sanitation. They can only dream about something like a "smart" toilet from Kohler! That's why the world needs toilet created by the students and faculty of the California Institute of Technology. He may at least partly solve the problems described above.
On the surface, this toilet is little different from conventional products of this kind. However, according to the creators, it is equipped with solar panels that will produce energy for water purification from the products of human activity. This will allow you to use the same water many times, which is very critical in many parts of the world where it is a very important and limited resource.
Moreover, the smart toilet can process the feces and urine that resulted from the electrochemical reaction will be converted to hydrogen. This element will accumulate in special tanks to be used to supply energy to the bathroom during the night and on cloudy days.
Charitable Foundation of bill and Melinda gates Foundation is planning over the next four years to Finance the production of such "solar" toilets and their free distribution to schools, hospitals and other similar institutions in developing countries.
Source: /users/78