Eco-project. Going to a desert island: meditation in a palm pipe

In pursuit of the benefits of civilization, man often enough and doesn't notice, so he broke away from nature and how much he lost. Brazilian designer Ivan Juarez will present his unusual project, which aims to remind people that everything in this world is perishable, except, perhaps, of nature, and a desert island – a great opportunity to immerse yourself in.

Ivan Juarez from the design of X-Studio is known for its creative eco-friendly projects that combine original way, nature and architecture. One of his recent projects was created in Brazil, on the shore of the ocean, and he has become an observation post in the form of tubes made of palm leaves. A desert skeleton and shelter of palm leaves, where you can retire for rest and meditation allows the dialogue between the external and internal world. What could be better!

Located on the island of Itaparica, the largest of 56 Islands of the state All Saints Bay, the project became also a reminder of the need to conserve the ecosystem of the region. Comfortably seated in the tube of interwoven palm leaves, which form a kind of grid, you can feel like Robinson to reconsider its attitude to the existing system of values.

It should be noted that the work of Ivan Juarez is focused on promoting the ideas of effective interaction of man and nature, relationships between art and functionality. According to the designer, all conceived projects – a kind of experiment with new ways of attracting public attention to pressing environmental issues.
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