The Monastery Of Taung Kalat
Forty five million one hundred thirty seven thousand forty eight
Twenty three million nine hundred fifteen thousand four hundred sixty nine
The monastery of Taung Kalat stands majestically at a height of 737 metres, as if hovering in the air. It is located on top of mount Popa, which is essentially a volcano. An amazing example of combining human creation with the natural surroundings, Buddhist monastery attracts thousands of pilgrims annually because of its very great spiritual value.
The monastery of Taung Kalat is considered the world Buddhism is no less important relic.
Nineteen million one hundred ninety four thousand nine hundred thirty seven
Immediately it is worth noting that directly mount Popa is a little distance and its maximum height is 1518 meters. This sleeping volcano, whose latest eruption occurred several thousand years ago, in the period BC. If the weather is clear the mountain can be seen over several tens of kilometers.
Also nearby is another famous landmark of Myanmar is the ancient city of Bagan. Well, the monastery of Taung Kalat is located on a separate volcanic peak height at 737 metres, which is also referred to as mount Popa.
Seventy six million five thousand six hundred sixty nine
Twenty two million seven hundred thirty seven thousand nine hundred twenty seven
This place according to the beliefs of the Buddhists is one of the most powerful shrines of the spirits, not only in Myanmar but throughout the world. Annually, these places attract a great many pilgrims, but their greatest concentration is observed during the festivals of the new Moon. Once there they sacrificed a large number of animals, but now it is forbidden to do, as well as to bring in meat and meat products. All this is done in order not to anger the spirits of the defenders of the mountains.
Ninety four million forty six thousand two hundred thirty two
Eighty four million six hundred seventy four thousand eight hundred six
Source: /users/104