How to marry in heaven?
The wedding ceremony in different countries are different. Yes what there to speak, even within one country make dramatically more wedding. Religion, wealth, place of residence, even civilization have an impact on the connection of two native souls. As for our Ukrainian weddings, the main trends are divided between rural and urban areas.
Somehow it happened that the bulk of urban couples do not pay much attention to wedding ceremony. In the villages of this Union is considered to be not complete. We are not going to arrange a debriefing. Everyone has their own truth and their own views of the world. But if you're Orthodox peasants and are thinking about whether to marry in Church, you need to learn more about this spiritual process. The most important thing for the Church — your absolute willingness to serious step. If you doubt the stability of your relationship or getting married is not consensual, then go under God's crown is not worth it. It is not enough that according to Church canons it is a great sin, so also the divorce procedure here is much tougher.
Though Christian laws and were allowed to divorce three times, but agreements still need to beg Bishop, and he should consent to a new marriage. As for the ceremony, then the couple must be baptized in the same faith. Not allowed even a situation where one of the pair claims he's an atheist, but came to the temple for a loved one. The time and date of the wedding is always appointed by the father. He will never marry you while the four large posts, while rock festivals, as well as Saturday, Tuesday and Thursday. In the event the priest will give you advice on how to arrange the correct procedure. For this you will need to fast, pray and take communion.
Also, the couple must acquire the icons of the Saviour and mother of God. Your parents must first them to devote, and after the blessing in the Church images will be a talisman of the couple for life. After the wedding, the icons should stand in the room of the spouses. As for witnesses, they have two. Their religion must be the same faith of the spouses. Guarantors (witnesses) will always help the new family. Therefore, the Church recommends to take witness people married, with great experience of family life.
Many couples don't know how to do it right. Through fear of the ceremony, people often do not marry in heaven. As for me, there is nothing to fear. If you love each other, the ties of the Church only will seal your Union. And remember that the Church is always going to meet you and you will never forget this beautiful day.
Source: /users/147

Somehow it happened that the bulk of urban couples do not pay much attention to wedding ceremony. In the villages of this Union is considered to be not complete. We are not going to arrange a debriefing. Everyone has their own truth and their own views of the world. But if you're Orthodox peasants and are thinking about whether to marry in Church, you need to learn more about this spiritual process. The most important thing for the Church — your absolute willingness to serious step. If you doubt the stability of your relationship or getting married is not consensual, then go under God's crown is not worth it. It is not enough that according to Church canons it is a great sin, so also the divorce procedure here is much tougher.

Though Christian laws and were allowed to divorce three times, but agreements still need to beg Bishop, and he should consent to a new marriage. As for the ceremony, then the couple must be baptized in the same faith. Not allowed even a situation where one of the pair claims he's an atheist, but came to the temple for a loved one. The time and date of the wedding is always appointed by the father. He will never marry you while the four large posts, while rock festivals, as well as Saturday, Tuesday and Thursday. In the event the priest will give you advice on how to arrange the correct procedure. For this you will need to fast, pray and take communion.

Also, the couple must acquire the icons of the Saviour and mother of God. Your parents must first them to devote, and after the blessing in the Church images will be a talisman of the couple for life. After the wedding, the icons should stand in the room of the spouses. As for witnesses, they have two. Their religion must be the same faith of the spouses. Guarantors (witnesses) will always help the new family. Therefore, the Church recommends to take witness people married, with great experience of family life.

Many couples don't know how to do it right. Through fear of the ceremony, people often do not marry in heaven. As for me, there is nothing to fear. If you love each other, the ties of the Church only will seal your Union. And remember that the Church is always going to meet you and you will never forget this beautiful day.
Source: /users/147