How to make a vinyl player out of improvised means?
The history of recorded music, as well as the entire record industry started back in 1877 when Thomas Edison was the inventor of the phonograph. This year was the starting point of a long evolution of musical players, which is still ongoing. At least until mp-3 players and iPods at the time was, as the sky, but the gramophone itself was considered a technological marvel. And the principle of its work is almost sacred mystery. But progress does not stand still, and today this wonderful player can collect during the day, literally out of any available materials. Which proves art experiment "24-Noig Dеsign Chаllenge".
Design Studio Hеndzel and Hunt's (London) decided to entertain themselves. Inspired by the story of the invention of Thomas Edison, young people were divided into teams and made a weird competition: who in 24 hours will collect most of the original turntable. The apparatus needed to adequately play a recording for "Two Cigаrettes in the Dаrk" Joe Greene, and at the same time look impressive.
But the conditions of the contest is not over. Moreover, the cost of each player should not exceed 30 pounds. While frowned upon the use of available tools, and even garbage. Most importantly, "to play".
The result surpassed all expectations of designers: homemade turntables not only did their main "mechanical" problem, but looked like art objects of contemporary conceptual art.
For example, the player "the Countess Pecherska" looks like a real retro gramophone trumpet which is made from an old balloon. And another object which received the punning title "The Singer" was produced with the old manual sewing machines. The third player, "the French orchestra" is reminiscent of wall-mounted CD player.
You can follow the creation of unique players thanks to a mini-movie.
Source: /users/413

Design Studio Hеndzel and Hunt's (London) decided to entertain themselves. Inspired by the story of the invention of Thomas Edison, young people were divided into teams and made a weird competition: who in 24 hours will collect most of the original turntable. The apparatus needed to adequately play a recording for "Two Cigаrettes in the Dаrk" Joe Greene, and at the same time look impressive.

But the conditions of the contest is not over. Moreover, the cost of each player should not exceed 30 pounds. While frowned upon the use of available tools, and even garbage. Most importantly, "to play".
The result surpassed all expectations of designers: homemade turntables not only did their main "mechanical" problem, but looked like art objects of contemporary conceptual art.

For example, the player "the Countess Pecherska" looks like a real retro gramophone trumpet which is made from an old balloon. And another object which received the punning title "The Singer" was produced with the old manual sewing machines. The third player, "the French orchestra" is reminiscent of wall-mounted CD player.

You can follow the creation of unique players thanks to a mini-movie.
Source: /users/413