How easy it is to survive the changing time zones?
Quite often, the pleasure of an exotic vacation spoiled by a totally irrational, it would seem, of illness. The reason actually is – change the time zone.
From the geographical position switching in the first place interfering with the natural biological rhythm of the body. Very often, the plant of our internal "clock mechanism" is calculated on the change activity of all organs and systems during the day fade to night and rise with the approach of morning.
It would be good to choose flight to become a second half of the day. This gives you the opportunity to go to bed at the right time. If a long trip is work-related, try to arrive early, at least for one day. Then, before embarking on official duties, you can recover a little bit. Sometimes you need a little bit to adjust lifestyle on arrival. Until until unpleasant feelings associated with the move, in the first days to follow the hours your body. When local time is ahead of the former, went to bed late at night and sleep longer in the morning. If behind, then Vice versa.
Source: /users/413
From the geographical position switching in the first place interfering with the natural biological rhythm of the body. Very often, the plant of our internal "clock mechanism" is calculated on the change activity of all organs and systems during the day fade to night and rise with the approach of morning.

It would be good to choose flight to become a second half of the day. This gives you the opportunity to go to bed at the right time. If a long trip is work-related, try to arrive early, at least for one day. Then, before embarking on official duties, you can recover a little bit. Sometimes you need a little bit to adjust lifestyle on arrival. Until until unpleasant feelings associated with the move, in the first days to follow the hours your body. When local time is ahead of the former, went to bed late at night and sleep longer in the morning. If behind, then Vice versa.

Source: /users/413