In Denver invented the world's first "smell-o-scope»
Due to the fact that in the USA there are more cities legalized marijuana, I plan to use the device Nasal Ranger to detect smells. The whole point is that though marijuana is not prohibited, but the law on the pollution of the environment does not allow, so the smell of it, the house fell on the street and was above a concentration of 1:7 relative to clean air.
Ninety four million two hundred ninety seven thousand six hundred sixty six
Sixty seven million three hundred twelve thousand one hundred ninety five
Thus the device is able to detect smaller concentration of impurities is 1:8. Estimated price Nasal Ranger is valued at $2000, but for Denver PD device will cost cheaper — $1500. There is a more advanced version of the "smell-o-scope", which keeps the concentration of odors and binds them to the GPS, mapping contaminated
We remind you that recently created the first night vision device for smartphone.
Source: /users/413
Ninety four million two hundred ninety seven thousand six hundred sixty six
Sixty seven million three hundred twelve thousand one hundred ninety five
Thus the device is able to detect smaller concentration of impurities is 1:8. Estimated price Nasal Ranger is valued at $2000, but for Denver PD device will cost cheaper — $1500. There is a more advanced version of the "smell-o-scope", which keeps the concentration of odors and binds them to the GPS, mapping contaminated
We remind you that recently created the first night vision device for smartphone.
Source: /users/413
"Underwater kite" is to collect energy from ocean currents
The American collected the grenade from purchased after airport security items