Created handheld gadget which will save you from insects
There are many methods how to get rid of annoying insects in nature, but probably the most convenient and safe device, Do Not Bite Me. Small repellent protects users and does not cause the slightest inconvenience.
See also: Named the most beautiful insect in the world
The device developed by Wang He Zhu and Wen Xuan is a small dispenser. For it to work you need to fill the vessel with liquid repellent and install it in your device. The device heats the liquid and vaporizes it around.
See also: Animals that are disguised better than ninja
The device provides a comfortable presence in nature over a long period of time, until all stocks of the liquid. Small size and convenient system of fastening allows to use the device at any time and in any place.
Source: /users/413
See also: Named the most beautiful insect in the world

The device developed by Wang He Zhu and Wen Xuan is a small dispenser. For it to work you need to fill the vessel with liquid repellent and install it in your device. The device heats the liquid and vaporizes it around.
See also: Animals that are disguised better than ninja

The device provides a comfortable presence in nature over a long period of time, until all stocks of the liquid. Small size and convenient system of fastening allows to use the device at any time and in any place.
Source: /users/413