Scientists suggest: rotavirus infection increases the risk of diabetes

According to researchers at the University of Melbourne, rotavirus infection, which is a common cause of diarrhea in children, may accelerate the development of diabetes. The results of a study that scientists conducted on mice, forced experts to suspect that a scientific discovery may be relevant to humans. Scientists assume that the virus getting into the body, provokes a strong activation of the immune system. Protective response not only kills foreign cells, but also attacks the body's own cells, in this case, SCS, in the pancreas. Professor Barbara Coulson, lead author said the study was the first, in the detection of the rotavirus activates this type of immune response in mice. According to her, the mechanism explains the acceleration of the development of type 1 diabetes during rotavirus infection in mice.
"It is possible that a similar process can operate at infitsirovanii human rotavirus and lead to rapid progression in children diabetes". To confirm preliminary results, the researchers hope in the next research. "Understanding how rotavirus infection affects the development of diabetes will contribute to a better prevention and treatment of children at risk of this disease.
Source: nauka24news.ru/