Scientists have found why a Zebra striped
According to the latest report of scientists, black and white stripes that adorn zebras, is a means of protection from flies. The lack of shaggy skins makes this African animal is extremely sensitive to the bites of the flies. Studies have shown that flies harder to focus and land on a camouflage coloring of a Zebra. The theory that striped the skin is necessary to diffuse light, is not tenable. After all, most of the time zebras spend in the open countryside. Another version of that variegated stripes confuse predators, just did not fit. Numerous observations have shown that lions great catch animals with such a disguise.

Other versions that the band have evolved as a means of cooling zebras under the hot African sun, was also rejected. Scientists believe susceptibility to quite severe bites and is the basis of the appearance of Zebra stripes on the skin.
Source: nauka24news.ru/