5 tips on how to remember everything
Memory is one of the few renewable resources of the body. If you think you have a bad memory, then you have not tried to improve it. Any person can remember everything and always, if we learn some original techniques for remembering.
About some of them in this article.Association and Images is the basis of mnemonics. And they really work. Can't remember the name of the new employee? Play in the Association. Let's say his name is Mikhail.
The most famous Mikhail Gorbachev (the birthmark on his forehead, a characteristic speech, restructuring). The most famous Peter Romanov, who was the First and Great (tall, mustache, Navy, St. Petersburg). Imagine Gorbachev on a horse with a mustache and a cocked hat. If the sight of Mikhail Petrovich, you will have to float this image, you immediately recall his name.
Similarly with numbers. I could not remember the series and number of his passport until I turned the figures into images. 73 – it's simple, this is a car code for my region, so I imagine the car. 08 – eight, like an infinity sign, moreover, similar to the ring motorway. And now the car goes through the car "eight"...
Thirty two million seven hundred fifty one thousand six hundred thirty one
Fragmentation and grouping 5938750285753095 – try to memorize this number as a whole. Will not work (of course, if you are Ben Pridmore).
And if you write it like this: 5938-7502-8575-3095. Already better, isn't it? Crushing greatly simplifies memorization (at least because a number divided into parts, easier to pronounce and perceive visually). It is no coincidence that the numbers of writing numbers using a dash.
But this technique works not just with numbers. For example, the wife dictated to you on the phone, shopping list (and why you do not use "Buy me a pie!"). To not to forget anything, sort, group, and number the things that need to buy.
Milk, bread and salt is for the kitchen (total 3 pieces); deodorant and paper in the bathroom (2 names), etc.
The other principle is: remember that you need to buy 3 things in the dairy section, 2 in butcher and 1 in the grocery. In the supermarket you can easily reproduce that wife asked me to buy yogurt, milk, cheese, sausage, bacon, and a loaf of bread.
Rhymes. The bisector is a rat, she goes to a corner and divides the angle in half; Pythagorean pants on all sides are equal. These stupid rhymes we all remember from school, along with the corresponding geometric and algebraic theorems. Rhymes to help remember information easily and effortlessly. You simplify your task, removing psychological setting "to learn!". You're just having fun, just like playing bouts-Rimes: Pushkin died in the winter.Was a year of 1837.
Cribs «While! Give my regards to your wife...". Katie? Lena? Mung? It's crazy when you can't remember the name of the closest person to him or (worse still) his own.Stupid, but inevitable if you have a wide circle of friends. The way out is simple: saving a phone number to a new acquaintance, write in field "note" the important nuances of your communication (name of spouse, date of birth, circumstances of meeting, etc.).
My contacts are Helen (Barber) with the following "characteristics": the business card he gave Oksana a birthday in December, loves dogs, her toy-Terrier's name is Jesse. You should see what it is pleasant, when at the meeting I am interested in her pet, though, calling the name. Crib involves not only verbal and logical, but also motor memory, especially if you write them in a notebook by hand.
Break the stereotypes.For example, you should not forget to call in the morning to the clinic. You can draw a cross on the hand and you can put the kit in the middle of the room. Put the keys in the boot, not to forget. Leave the Cabinet door open so the morning drink medicines stored in it. In short, in any way destroy the environment. This will keep you sharper and help you better remember.
Source: brainswork.ru
About some of them in this article.Association and Images is the basis of mnemonics. And they really work. Can't remember the name of the new employee? Play in the Association. Let's say his name is Mikhail.
The most famous Mikhail Gorbachev (the birthmark on his forehead, a characteristic speech, restructuring). The most famous Peter Romanov, who was the First and Great (tall, mustache, Navy, St. Petersburg). Imagine Gorbachev on a horse with a mustache and a cocked hat. If the sight of Mikhail Petrovich, you will have to float this image, you immediately recall his name.
Similarly with numbers. I could not remember the series and number of his passport until I turned the figures into images. 73 – it's simple, this is a car code for my region, so I imagine the car. 08 – eight, like an infinity sign, moreover, similar to the ring motorway. And now the car goes through the car "eight"...
Thirty two million seven hundred fifty one thousand six hundred thirty one
Fragmentation and grouping 5938750285753095 – try to memorize this number as a whole. Will not work (of course, if you are Ben Pridmore).
And if you write it like this: 5938-7502-8575-3095. Already better, isn't it? Crushing greatly simplifies memorization (at least because a number divided into parts, easier to pronounce and perceive visually). It is no coincidence that the numbers of writing numbers using a dash.
But this technique works not just with numbers. For example, the wife dictated to you on the phone, shopping list (and why you do not use "Buy me a pie!"). To not to forget anything, sort, group, and number the things that need to buy.
Milk, bread and salt is for the kitchen (total 3 pieces); deodorant and paper in the bathroom (2 names), etc.
The other principle is: remember that you need to buy 3 things in the dairy section, 2 in butcher and 1 in the grocery. In the supermarket you can easily reproduce that wife asked me to buy yogurt, milk, cheese, sausage, bacon, and a loaf of bread.
Rhymes. The bisector is a rat, she goes to a corner and divides the angle in half; Pythagorean pants on all sides are equal. These stupid rhymes we all remember from school, along with the corresponding geometric and algebraic theorems. Rhymes to help remember information easily and effortlessly. You simplify your task, removing psychological setting "to learn!". You're just having fun, just like playing bouts-Rimes: Pushkin died in the winter.Was a year of 1837.
Cribs «While! Give my regards to your wife...". Katie? Lena? Mung? It's crazy when you can't remember the name of the closest person to him or (worse still) his own.Stupid, but inevitable if you have a wide circle of friends. The way out is simple: saving a phone number to a new acquaintance, write in field "note" the important nuances of your communication (name of spouse, date of birth, circumstances of meeting, etc.).
My contacts are Helen (Barber) with the following "characteristics": the business card he gave Oksana a birthday in December, loves dogs, her toy-Terrier's name is Jesse. You should see what it is pleasant, when at the meeting I am interested in her pet, though, calling the name. Crib involves not only verbal and logical, but also motor memory, especially if you write them in a notebook by hand.
Break the stereotypes.For example, you should not forget to call in the morning to the clinic. You can draw a cross on the hand and you can put the kit in the middle of the room. Put the keys in the boot, not to forget. Leave the Cabinet door open so the morning drink medicines stored in it. In short, in any way destroy the environment. This will keep you sharper and help you better remember.
Source: brainswork.ru