John Watkins predictions come true
American engineer, John Watkins, wrote in 1900 an article in a women's magazine,
where in an entertaining way she describes what happens in the next century.
His prediction proved remarkably prescient.
Mobile phones
John Watkins had no idea how prophetic his words will be for billions of women around the world: "Wireless telephone and telegraph networks enmeshed in the world. Any husband can call the center of the Atlantic Ocean to his wife in the bedroom in Chicago. It will be just a call to China, as it is now - to call from New York to Brooklyn ».
At that time, there was no international telephone lines, and a wireless communication housewives all over the world do not even dreamed of.
Color digital photo
Watkins did not use the term "digital" photography and even approximately describe the principle of operation of computers, but he was able to quite accurately tell how people will use these cameras:
"The photographs will be sent by telegraph to any distance. If in China a hundred years there will be a battle, the most striking moments of his fall into the newspaper in an hour ... And photos will transmit true colors ».
Tanks and planes
Although the first descriptions and even drawings of the tank made by Leonardo da Vinci, John Watkins quite accurately described the use of "forts on wheels" in wars. These forts, he wrote, "will break through the open space at the speed of a modern express." At the same time, the article of 1900, these parts must operate on the principle of "modern cavalry." In addition, he described the "flying machines, which will be equipped with telescopes with a range of a hundred miles.»
"Equipped with cameras, they can shoot the enemy positions at this distance. These photographs - with resolution and size, as if they did across the street - will fall on the table commander ».
"Ready-to-eat meals will be supplied from institutions like the modern grocery" - the author writes in his article.
Semi-finished products, which are sold in stores today, show how right Watkins. He, however, believed that the dishes, which will be delivered this food, have returned to the "groceries." But he predicted that the products will be stored in the refrigerator for a long time, that too is consistent with modern reality.
"Vegetables will be grown much faster with the help of a strong electric light, which will replace the Sun».
At the same time, he said, in large glazed plantations where the land will be laid wires, winter can turn into summer, and the night - a day. This prediction was fulfilled in part, because most modern greenhouses cost still without electric heating. But in his predictions mention the possibility of the delivery of food on planes from distant countries, where the harvest is ripe, for example, fruit.
TV and webcams
"A person can watch the rest of the world. Images of people and all sorts of things will be passed through the chambers of electrical wires on the screens, spaced a few thousand miles ».
This description is consistent with contemporary live TV coverage and more - Web cameras that appeared at the junction of XX and XXI centuries.
"Cold air will go from special taps, and thus it will be possible to regulate the temperature in the house, just as today we let the tap cold or hot water bath to score».
According to him, warm and cold air in the XX century would have to be supplied from special large stations - in the same way as water or gas. That did not happen, however, the description of the principle of air conditioning in the room quite accurately describes as are modern split-system.
Watkins described a device that will allow musicians to perform works on a remote distance - the signals would be transmitted by means of electricity and would be replicated in another city. Such a device for a hundred years, has been established, but the author writes that these "automatic devices will accurately reproduce the sound of the instrument." This is quite similar to the description of the synthesizer - especially since, according to Watkins' tools will be added to the devices that will enhance the emotional effect of music ».
Giant fruit
In his article, Watkins predicted the emergence of "strawberries the size of an apple." Although in respect of strawberries author was too optimistic, but on the whole in the XX century were withdrawn larger variety of fruits and vegetables.
High-speed trains
"Trains will walk at a speed of 2 miles per minute. And expression - 150 miles per hour .. »
After 100 years after the publication of material in the world there are trains that develop 240 kilometers per hour, while the average rate much lower than conventional trains.
As for the records, it is owned by the French train TGV, which in 2007 clocked up 574, 8 km / h.
where in an entertaining way she describes what happens in the next century.
His prediction proved remarkably prescient.
Mobile phones

John Watkins had no idea how prophetic his words will be for billions of women around the world: "Wireless telephone and telegraph networks enmeshed in the world. Any husband can call the center of the Atlantic Ocean to his wife in the bedroom in Chicago. It will be just a call to China, as it is now - to call from New York to Brooklyn ».
At that time, there was no international telephone lines, and a wireless communication housewives all over the world do not even dreamed of.
Color digital photo

Watkins did not use the term "digital" photography and even approximately describe the principle of operation of computers, but he was able to quite accurately tell how people will use these cameras:
"The photographs will be sent by telegraph to any distance. If in China a hundred years there will be a battle, the most striking moments of his fall into the newspaper in an hour ... And photos will transmit true colors ».
Tanks and planes

Although the first descriptions and even drawings of the tank made by Leonardo da Vinci, John Watkins quite accurately described the use of "forts on wheels" in wars. These forts, he wrote, "will break through the open space at the speed of a modern express." At the same time, the article of 1900, these parts must operate on the principle of "modern cavalry." In addition, he described the "flying machines, which will be equipped with telescopes with a range of a hundred miles.»
"Equipped with cameras, they can shoot the enemy positions at this distance. These photographs - with resolution and size, as if they did across the street - will fall on the table commander ».

"Ready-to-eat meals will be supplied from institutions like the modern grocery" - the author writes in his article.
Semi-finished products, which are sold in stores today, show how right Watkins. He, however, believed that the dishes, which will be delivered this food, have returned to the "groceries." But he predicted that the products will be stored in the refrigerator for a long time, that too is consistent with modern reality.

"Vegetables will be grown much faster with the help of a strong electric light, which will replace the Sun».
At the same time, he said, in large glazed plantations where the land will be laid wires, winter can turn into summer, and the night - a day. This prediction was fulfilled in part, because most modern greenhouses cost still without electric heating. But in his predictions mention the possibility of the delivery of food on planes from distant countries, where the harvest is ripe, for example, fruit.
TV and webcams

"A person can watch the rest of the world. Images of people and all sorts of things will be passed through the chambers of electrical wires on the screens, spaced a few thousand miles ».
This description is consistent with contemporary live TV coverage and more - Web cameras that appeared at the junction of XX and XXI centuries.

"Cold air will go from special taps, and thus it will be possible to regulate the temperature in the house, just as today we let the tap cold or hot water bath to score».
According to him, warm and cold air in the XX century would have to be supplied from special large stations - in the same way as water or gas. That did not happen, however, the description of the principle of air conditioning in the room quite accurately describes as are modern split-system.

Watkins described a device that will allow musicians to perform works on a remote distance - the signals would be transmitted by means of electricity and would be replicated in another city. Such a device for a hundred years, has been established, but the author writes that these "automatic devices will accurately reproduce the sound of the instrument." This is quite similar to the description of the synthesizer - especially since, according to Watkins' tools will be added to the devices that will enhance the emotional effect of music ».
Giant fruit

In his article, Watkins predicted the emergence of "strawberries the size of an apple." Although in respect of strawberries author was too optimistic, but on the whole in the XX century were withdrawn larger variety of fruits and vegetables.
High-speed trains

"Trains will walk at a speed of 2 miles per minute. And expression - 150 miles per hour .. »
After 100 years after the publication of material in the world there are trains that develop 240 kilometers per hour, while the average rate much lower than conventional trains.
As for the records, it is owned by the French train TGV, which in 2007 clocked up 574, 8 km / h.