Why it is useful to walk barefoot

A person stands with bare feet on the ground. The earth is the mother of all urgent problems. Stepping on the ground barefoot we gain oneness with the Universe. Thin invisible threads stretch from the earth to the person, the relationship can be felt almost physically. Disease flow from the man to the ground, as it absorbs them. The person becomes calmer and more confident. It is filled with kindness and warmth. Now nothing will affect the mind and balance — the body will use all of their hidden potential. Such a person will not be able to damage the most unexpected and extreme situations, he will remain alive and healthy. So the Earth interacts with the person, showing their love for him. One achieves harmony. One child walked barefoot, usually kind and honest. How nice morning walk in the wet dew from the grass. Rosa itself is full of energy. Many diseases of the skin heals the dew, because it has a relationship with the Cosmos. Walking in the dew a beneficial effect on the subtle body and the whole body.
Source: /users/1077