Stunning cityscapes with pen and ink by Ben Sack

"Lonely note" ("A Single Note "), fragment
With astonishing determination, and an endless supply of patience the artist Ben Sack (Ben Sack) with a firm hand takes the black liner with rod 0.05 mm and begins to draw tightly linked, incredibly detailed landscapes of imaginary cities with a full set of buildings, roads, rivers and bridges.

"Lonely note" ("A Single Note ") Ben Sack
He continued to paint until the pen isn't running out of ink. Then he takes the other handle. And then another, emptying the rods supplies for several months, until the picture is ready. His latest work, a huge figure in the shape of a circle called "Single note" ("A Single Note "), almost reached four meters in circumference.

"Lonely note" ("A Single Note "), fragment

Favorite subject-Sack — an old European city

If you look closely, imaginary landscapes Sack can detect the familiar shape.
Architectural surveying-Sack span several centuries, from Gothic cathedrals to glass skyscrapers, reminding at the same time the urban layout of European-style and astounding Metropolitan areas, are so fond of describing science fiction writers. If you look closely, here and there you can find the familiar shape.
The artist says he was inspired by the idea of "Western antiquity":
It seems to me that most people, if not all of society shares the following image is the ancient Western world:
spotless marble facades, long triumphal avenues, monuments to commemorate the glorious achievements.
In fact, the city of the past was far from our idealized standards.
Yes, there was marble, lots of marble, and monuments, too, were in abundance, but all these urban centers were cramped and overcrowded, and for those who possessed considerable wealth, living in great antiquity
often consisted of the heroic struggle for survival. Despite the fact that the state of antiquity was built on the blood, dirt, and corruption, the idea of antiquity with time became a symbol of some important concepts of modern society:
democracy, justice, law and order, balance, symmetry. Now, these ideals are cornerstones of our civilization, a civilization that in remote future, may be considered antiquity.

Artist inspires the idea of "Western antiquity"

Streets and avenues are formed into intricate designs

The architectural map of a fictional time of Ben Sack (Ben Sack)
Source: www.kulturologia.ru/
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