The young feline lemur from Safari Park Woburn
In the Safari Park Woburn (Woburn Safari Park), UK, was born just three baby cat lemur. Babies born in March are still hold tight to their mothers Coco and Kranidi, and soon will travel in the enclosure with them.
As noted by the keepers of the zoo, parents of young lemurs were two females (one of whom gave birth to twins) and the father they have in common – the male is named Berenti. In early may, the cubs, whose gender is not yet installed, will begin to explore their world independently.
Coco and Kranidi is a wonderful, caring mother, — said one of the Rangers. – Kranidi, which was born just two kids, became a mother for the first time, but despite this, she copes with its responsibilities.
All cat lemurs from Woburn Safari Park live in the beautiful outdoor aviary that allows visitors to witness the young in all its glory, the more that mothers are willing to show their offspring, taking seats on the most prominent places.
Especially in the morning, cool watch all the lemurs snugglin ' up under the first rays of the warm spring sun. — At this time our lemurs actively take sun bath and enjoy life, says the caretaker.
Cat lemur or ring-tailed lemurs (lat. Lemur catta) are primates of the family samurovic the origin of which, like all other lemurs, is the South-Western part of the island of Madagascar. Cat's lemurs are listed by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) as a species close to complete extinction. This species is one of the most vociferous among all the primates.
A ring-tailed lemur is one of the most beautiful lemurs that live on our planet. His pride is a black and white striped tail, the length of which ranges from 55 to 62 centimeters. This tail is a means of communication between relatives and also to maintain balance when jumping and climbing tall trees.
To date, the total number of cat lemurs estimated from 10 thousand to 100 thousand individuals. The main threats are the decline of natural habitats and excessive hunting, which is mostly due to commercial considerations.
Source: zoopicture.ru