Little known facts about water

As you know, water is an integral part of our life. Even without food man can live much longer than without water. This article will acquaint you not only with interesting facts about this substance, but also tell you about the benefits of water for our body.
1. Water is the only substance on our planet, which can take three States: liquid, gaseous and solid.
2. The strongest solvent is water.
3. Scientists were able to prove that the first living organisms that appeared on our planet originated in water.
4. This is what is written about water in one Soviet encyclopedia: "Water is a colorless liquid which has neither taste nor smell. This substance is one of the main components of all living organisms, but is part of the hydrosphere. In the atmosphere water exists in vapor form. Not only is she included in the composition of the soil, but also in the composition of various rocks and many minerals. Based on this, we can conclude that the water all around us.
5. Scientists conducted an experiment: they separated the oil from water. As it turned out, this oil does not burn.
6. Over a lifetime, people, on average, 75 drink tons of water.
7. Of all the existing substances on Earth water has the highest surface tension.
8. Scientists managed to prove that water has memory. At the moment when the water touches any substance, it appears from all the information about this substance. These data are reflected on the surface of the water, but this does not affect its chemical composition. As you know, water molecules are composed of clusters. And that each such cluster has a 440 thousand "cells" of memory.
9. According to the WHO, every 8 seconds from contaminated water kills a child.
10. Water is the first thing that are looking for research groups on other planets.

As water affects human.
The amount of water and, naturally, its quality is affected by those just to our health but also on our appearance. As the water takes an active part in all processes happening in the human body. What we will have in that case, if you regularly use good quality water?
Shining and healthy hair.
Experts recommend that after each reception of a bath or shower to rinse your head with cold water. The fact that the cold water clings to our hair Horny scales. Due to this, hair will Shine, and much easier to comb.
A healthy body.
University of California researchers conducted an experiment in which it was found that those people who drank more than 5 glasses of water per day, a 41% less risk of heart attack. Also when consuming this amount of water reduces the risk of diseases of the bladder and colon. This is because the much shorter time of contact of the bodies with carcinogens. Not the last role water plays in the process of digestion. Our health depends on the water: if you don't want to feel bad, in any case do not let dehydration.
Healthy skin.
Our skin, or rather pores, absorb 10% of the moisture that we eat. The better the product, the less our body will be impurities. But depends on the condition of our skin. There is a certain procedure that will help to maintain the elasticity of the skin: soak a facecloth in hot water and apply to face for one minute. After that wipe the face with a cleanser. Tool rinse with cold water only. Remember that the water that you wash must be filtered (so that the skin got a variety of harmful impurities).
A toned body.
At any time of the year to be in good shape to help us in a variety of water sports and the pouring and hardening. Experts came to the conclusion that in order to do any action in the water, should make 12 times more effort than not water. Want to have a well-developed and well-formed muscles go swimming. Do not forget that water is much more effective than anti-cellulite massage.
Rapid weight reduction.
German scientists conducted a study whose purpose was to find out how to use water to get rid of excess weight. So: water can intensify the process to reduce calories in our body. Also within 30 minutes after its consumption accelerates the metabolism by 20-30%. Based on this, the experts recommend to include a large amount of water in the diet of those people who are struggling with excess weight, as drinking a glass of water on an empty stomach, calms the feeling of hunger and moderate appetite.
Source: mif-facts.com.ua
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