Possible for children to eat kebabs

Started the picnic season, so, say pediatricians, Department of gastroenterology will be filled with children. Why? And because, unfortunately, rare parents are thinking about whether the kids kebabs.
As a rule, parents do not object to children eating at picnics barbecues because they eat without thinking about the harmful properties of the barbecue.
Parents should know that:
1. Kebabs are harmful both for adults and for children, because when you barbecue, fat falls on the burning coals, resulting in formation of fumes, which contain carcinogenic substances, which accumulation in the body can lead to malignant tumors.
2. Also parents should be alerted that when grilling uses a variety of spices, but as we wrote in our article "Spices and condiments in the children's diet", different spices can be given to children depending on their age, and some seasonings and forbidden to children.
3. Barbecue is quite a heavy food, so if you don't want to have a child could cause problems with digestion, you can cook the meat (boil or bake), and the nature, wearing on a skewer, just a little warm: so you can be sure the meat is cooked and its properties, in this case, your little one will have along with other meat from the skewers (many children this process is very like).
4. Often you can find discussions on different forums where mothers say that their children almost from eighteen months of age eat kebabs. In this case, this is unacceptable: Yes, at this age the child can eat meat, but his body is ready to metabolize only meat, steamed or braised.
5. A number of pediatricians recommends that children up to twelve years, the skewers do not eat: fats, found in meat, while cooking on the fire, changing their structure and become refractory, and to digest them can only pancreatic enzymes. To adolescence of these enzymes produced very little, so shashlyk meat, the child practically is not digested.
6. If you still really want the child to attach to a family picnic, let him skewer in small quantities.
7. Barbecue is better for the children to cook chicken or Turkey, fish, veal, lean pork and beef.
8. To wash down the meat the best warm drinks, such as tea. Substances that it contains stimulate digestion. Also suitable warm fruit drinks and compotes. Temperature is important in this case because When drinking cold drinks, the fat solidifies in the stomach and can be either hard to digest or not to digest.
Source: www.gastronom.ru