The eyes of squid and humans have a high similarity
Scientists: squid can hear. Scientists in the US have solved the mystery about whether squid can hear and how it happens. Marine biologist, Aren Muni, a scientist of the Oceanographic Institute woods hole in Massachusetts, measured the nerve impulses produced in response to the sounds of a marine animal. Under the skin of the squid was implanted electrodes to determine nerve signals from statocysts, two sensory organs like the SAC around the brain Level of intelligence decreases after 45 years. British scientists recently made a statement that the development of mental abilities is the limit of age. In the course of the study, more than ten years scientists monitoring thousands of family members of the male and female, it became clear that the 45-year-old man recorded the first violation with the memory. In addition, opinions of scientists found evidence that, in addition to the memory of human suffering and cognitive function. Every passing year, according to the experts of the scientific Council, leading to the progression of Rock art cave people created under the influence of hallucinogens. A comparative analysis of several samples of cave art of prehistoric times helped scientists from Tokyo, to detect the similarity between the arts, created in completely different times and places differ from one another. This similarity lies in the fact that the ancient paintings are the result of the so-called "geometric hallucinations" that occur in a state of altered consciousness, which was reached through the shamanic rituals," according to the information of experts, published in the journal Adaptive Behavior.
Source: globalscience.ru