Scientists have found a natural molecule to treat type 2 diabetes mellitus type
Researchers at the University of Laval ( Quebec) and the Institute of nutrition and functional foods have discovered a natural molecule that can be used for the treatment of insulin resistance and diabetes type 2 diabetes.
Found molecule is derived from omega-3 fatty acids. Scientists have long known that it helps to reduce insulin resistance caused by a diet high in fat. Andre marette with colleagues in the study found that another molecule – Protectin DX (PDX) triggers production and release of interleukin 6 (IL-6) in muscle cells. He explains, " IL-6 controls glucose levels in two ways: it signals to the liver to reduce glucose production and acts directly on muscle to increase its absorption." In tests on rats it was found: "the Mechanism of action of PDX represents a new therapeutic strategy for improving glucose control. Its efficiency can be comparable with certain medications, prescribed for glycemic control".
Source: nauka24news.ru/